chapter 13 • chance of winning the bet, she'd need to spend time with finney

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nobody had said anything yet, at least, not to my face.

though, i could hear their stupid whispers.

people would walk by and do a stupid little smirk at me.

half of the school was praising me about kissing finney, thinking it was the funniest thing ever. the other half was praising finney for kissing me.

it seemed as though him kissing me had tipped the scales, making us even.

so, boys who bullied him just a few days ago, were dapping him up in the hallways, talking about how he pulled me.

it was so cringey so stupid, and so humiliating.

finney was standing at his locker by himself, because iris had retreated to her own.

"there's your boyfriend." vance pointed.

"my soulmate." i joked.

finney made eye contact with me.

i waved at him. he softly smiled, waving back. i pointed to the door that led to the field, and he nodded.

"gonna go make out with him?" vance questioned.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now