chapter 15 • feeling of desperation clawed at my insides, squeezing my heart

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vance yawned.

we had gotten to the baseball game way too early, and the bleachers were completely empty.

the baseball teams were doing nothing.

"so.. how'd the date go?" vance asked immediately.

"you can't ask me how my day went? what i ate for breakfast? what my favorite color is?" i frowned.

"no. he instantly has to be nosey." mia reminded.

"i'm just wondering! you're doing the worst prank in society. the corniest, most evil, horrific, mean, cruel, rude, bitchy-" vance listed off the new adjectives he'd learned.

"-okay, i understand!" i stopped him.

"you don't. it's really, really shitty. you're making him fall in love with you, to embarrass him, and ruin his life as soon as it starts to get better. it's the funniest thing ever." vance shook his head.

"over 20 dollars." mia shook her head. "that's fucked."

"yeah." i agreed. "anyways, it went good. he bought me a necklace."

i motioned to the piece of jewelry around my neck. mia admired it.

"that's so corny. aw." she gushed.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now