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Emlyn walked into the FBI building that she worked at not really looking forward to her day. It was always the same routine: go to work, sort out different paper files and put them into a computer and go home.

She joined the FBI because she wanted to help people, she wanted to make the world a better place. She knew she couldn't do that in a police force, she was half deaf after all. That's why they made her do all the boring work that nobody else wanted to do.

She swore to all the gods that were out there that someday she would get back at the people who put her here.

There was just so much that she was useful for she had spent so much time getting amazing grades in school, getting into Yale, actually staying on top of things there,doing the FBI school training, to get stuck doing paperwork.

As she was going about her she got to get lunch. She had saved enough money that she could go out to eat. Eating was always the highlight of her day. The one time she could forget about all her worries. As she was walking towards the door there was a light knock at the door.

Emlyn was shocked to hear the sound no one ever came in here unless to get stuff even then they never knock.

The door opened and standing there was Section Chief Strauss "Hello are you Emlyn Hoffman?"

"Yes, what would you like?" She said, already putting her bag down and stepping towards her computer. Thinking that she would want some file.

"Oh no, I would like to talk to you about a change in position." The older woman said. Emlyn looked up in shock and had to force herself to stay calm and collected.

"Where would I be changing to Miss?" Emlyn asked, making sure her voice didn't sound too high pitched.

"The BAU." She said, swaying a bit, Emlyn pursed her lips, trying to contain a smile. "They need someone to keep them under control."

"What do you mean by that Miss?" Emlyn asked as far as she knew all the BAU team members were level-headed and knew what to do.

"It's a bit complicated, and should be talked about sitting down." She said nodding to the purse which Emlyn just put down.

"Oh yes, I'm going out to lunch. Would you like to join me?" She said, trying not to strain her voice, she knew she would have to pay for both of them, though she couldn't afford that at the moment. If this went through, and Emlyn got promoted, she could make up for the money lost and still pay bills.

While Emlyn drove Strauss talked about various things that Emlyn did not think that she should be telling someone like her. She didn't protest though.

After they had sat down and ordered their food, Strauss finally brought up the promotion.

"As I was saying as if late the BAU has had some quite personal cases. That has caused them to break protocol and do things unprofessionally. I need someone who makes sure they don't step out of line and make sure they get their paperwork done correctly. Plus I would like to take some work load off of poor SAC Hotchner's shoulders. If he didn't have so much work, maybe he could do things in the field correctly."

Emlyn wanted to ask what was wrong with their cases. She had seen almost every one of their cases and most were thought out amazingly.

Instead she replied with "I will be happy with any assignment you give ma'am." Forcing a polite smile on her face.

"Oh well that's good, you were about the only one I can count on. I thought I could trust JJ but that didn't work so then I put Emily in the team and she barely did anything. I'm glad I can count on you." She said.

I had to force a smile because she obviously had been drinking or something else. She wouldn't have said any of those things if she wasn't. Emlyn could smell it in her breath too. The rest of lunch Emlyn tried to make sure that Strauss drank a bunch of water. She felt bad for the woman, she had a hard job.

Even though Emlyn was happy she was very nervous. She had no idea if Strauss would just decide they didn't need her anymore and she definitely wasn't the first pick for the job.

After she had driven Strauss back to the building she went back to her same old filing room that she hated so much. If she could curse this thing to hell she would sadly everything that she had cursed to hell had punched her right back in the face. So she sat back down to do the rest of her 4 more hours of work.

As soon as Emlyn got home she kicked off her shoes off, she heard the TV on in the other room. She sighed and went to the living room. Where her sister was watching/studying. She tapped her on the shoulder.

Emlyns sister Elsie was deaf in both ears. That their mother did not like, she always said 'why can't I have a normal daughter'. Although she still treated Elsie like a baby most of the time.

Elsie turned around and signed 'Hi, How was work?' Emlyn smiled at her sister. She was the only thing that kept her from giving up on helping people.

'Good, I may get a promotion!' Emlyn signed back 'You should be studying not watching TV'

Elsie just rolled her eyes at her sister and continued what she was doing. Emlyn turned towards the kitchen and she knew that her sister had made something good after all she was in culinary school.

After a long shower and some time with Elsie, Emlyn finally went to bed God if she could get in her bed any faster she could. About as she was going to fall asleep she remembered something that she should've thought about when she was having lunch with Strauss. Spencer Reid was in the BAU. 


This is my first fanfic that I have posted. I'm sorry for all the grammar mistakes. It's probably not going to be very good. 

Anyways I hope you like it!  

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