27- cause for concern

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It had been a few days since Megumi was released from the hospital. He had recovered nicely with the help of cursed energy and some modern medicine.

He mostly kept to himself in his room anymore. He reasoned it was better that he rested more on his own, but you figured he wanted to avoid contact with everyone— especially Gojo. You however, were an exception; he always invited you into his room where the two of you mostly lay together. He always had an awful lot on his mind but you were always willing to listen.

It made you sad actually. He often cried himself to sleep beside you. Megumi was so overwhelmed with guilt and you could see it slowly taking over him.

"I don't know what to do," he whispered against your neck. In different circumstances that might've aroused you, but now it just made you upset.

"You need to talk to Gojo," you replied while playing with his hair. It's almost as if his hair was a gift to you from beyond. You could never get enough of it.

"I can't. He hates me. Everybody hates me. I'm a traitor! I hate me too," he trailed off.

"That's not true," you argued. He mumbled in response.

"No it's not. In fact, everyone is worried about you, Megumi. That's all anyone asks me is how you're doing. You don't come out of your room, you're never in the mess hall, you're not going on missions— it's not like you. People are catching on and it concerns them. You concern them."


"You concern me."

He paused all train of thought while his arms held on to you tighter.

The room went quiet. You felt soft shaking come from Megumi before it ceased. Planting a kiss on his head, you pulled up a blanket from the edge of the bed. He was out cold.



"I was expecting you, l/n," he responded as small smile spread across his lips.

"What for?"

"Well, there's two reasons why I suspect you're here, but why don't you tell me what you're here for," he demanded rather than asked.

You stared at him. He was acting strangely calm. "I'm worried about Megumi."

"Aren't we all? Poor kid's gone through so much in so little time," he fiddled with a paperclip on his desk where you watched from the doorframe of his office.

"You're worried?"

"Of course, he's my favorite student."

"That's funny, if you're so worried how come you didn't stop by when he was in critical condition in Shoko's? Or why not now when he cries himself to sleep?"

You imagined his eyes were rolled to the back of his head right now due to how unamused he looked. Yet, he frowned.

"I know. I wanted to, but it would serve no point. He needs to find me when he's ready. If I go to him first he won't believe what I have to say. He needs to be ready to accept it." He paused, and shifted his focus to you. "Now, more pressing matters... your departure from the school?"

You were astonished that he believed that was more important than Megumi's well-being. He really was an asshole. But was leaving really worth it? To leave behind Megumi, Itadori, and Nanami to fulfill your selfish desires of living a normal life? Even leaving Panda and Inumaki would make you sad. But do they even need you?

"I'm already speaking to Nanami about the issue. I appreciate your concern, but it's being handled."

He hummed. "Alright then. Dismissed."

You scoffed on your way out. Of course he said that. He didn't even call you down to his office. You went by your own free will and planned on leaving when you wished. Yet you left when told; it proved to be quite convenient when he "dismissed" you.

"Hey y/n," Itadori smiled at you. You blinked at him before smiling in return.

"How's Fushiguro? I was hoping to say hello to him, but I haven't seen him in awhile."

"He's okay. Pretty shaken up about the whole thing still, but he's sleeping now," you folded your hands in front of you while Yuji nodded.

"I heard you're leaving."

You swallowed, "It's not set in stone, but I was thinking about it."


"I can't handle it. I'm not cut out for this and you guys would be fine without me."

His expression fell, "That's not true. You're a great sorcerer. I have never met anyone as persistent as you when it comes to protecting those around you. But, if that's what you think is best for yourself then I wish you the best on your endeavors."

You cracked a small smile before hugging Itadori. "Thank you," you muttered into his sweatshirt.

"Eh? Get off of me!" He shouted before pushing you away. Looking up, you were shocked until you saw the tattoos on his face. No longer shocked.

"Great. Are you here to give me a list of reasons why I should leave?" You asked, annoyed that the King of Curses ruined a nice moment with a friend.

"No. I actually believe you should stay. You will be a worthy opponent for Itadori when he accepts the power I can give him. Besides, you keep our little Megumi in line."

You cracked a small smile, unbeknownst to Sukuna. He believed you were a worthy opponent to fight against— and the thought of being able to compare to the King of Curses almost made you laugh out loud.

"Thanks... I guess. But he's not your "little Megumi.'"

"Whatever, just keep your gross hands off of me."

You chucked, before you were left with a confused Itadori.

[word count: 1004]


Okay so like I'm thinking after I finish this I'll take
a small break, but then I want to write a Kankuro x reader bc he's one of my favs ever and there's like no fanfics of him

Also thanks for 1k+ reads?! Slay

Toodles for now

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