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𝔼𝕧𝕚𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕪 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕕, 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖

Zach was nervous about Charlotte going to see Ephraim Fletcher. He didn't trust Ephraim, he had never really been able to trust him. Zach wasn't sure what it was - maybe the rumours about him, maybe he was giving off a strange kind of aura. He had never liked him and the more he learned about him from Grace, the less he liked him. He almost regretted not having shot him right away, before Grace had to die, before he had to run away, before any of this happened.

But it was too late for that now and he'd have to kill Ephraim once Charlotte was giving him the okay for it. Not that she knew what he was planning to do, but since she wanted to make sure that it was really Grace's father that had killed her, Zach was willing to wait for a bit with his revenge. He had been waiting so many years, what harm would a few more days do, right?

He still absolutely despised the idea of Charlotte talking to him. He had caught feelings for her, he liked her, and he definitely didn't want anything to happen to her. But confronting Ephraim Fletcher, after he had told her to stay out of his business... it seemed like a suicide mission, if Zach was honest. He had been thinking about trying to talk to her again, getting her to stay away from him, but he knew that there was no point. Charlotte was stubborn and she wasn't going to listen to him, no matter what he told her. She had her own head and that was one of the things that Zach liked about her so much. Unfortunately, it was also a dangerous quality to have.

For a while during the morning he was just staying in bed, his mind racing and running in circles as he was thinking about everything that could be happening to her. Everything that could go wrong. Around noon he just couldn't stand it anymore and he figured he'd go and see if there was somewhere around the place to hide, just so he could have an eye on her. He was aware that there was a risk that Ephraim might spot him, but he didn't care. He was much more worried about Charlotte than about himself. If there was any way to make sure she'd be okay, he'd take the risk.

He had made his way towards the Fletchers' house without being seen, which was a miracle in and of itself already. He wasn't sure whether Charlotte had already made it there or not, he had no idea when she had planned to go and talk to him again. He was just hoping that he wouldn't be too late. He could see the house in the distance and it looked almost deserted. It was starting to fall apart and looked to be in a poor state. Zach wasn't surprised, after all Ephraim wouldn't be able to do a lot due to his drinking habit. Still, he did feel sorry for his wife and his other two daughters. They had to suffer from it all and they had very little means to escape from it all. If they were able to do it at all. It was like everyone was on Ephraim's side, no matter what he did. Everyone in town was able to find some sort of excuse for him.

Zach slowly made his way towards the house, hoping that no one was going to notice him, especially not Ephraim. What he was neglecting, however, was anything going on behind him. And that was also why he didn't see Ephraim approaching him from the back, not until he was being tackled to the ground. It was only then that he could smell the stench coming off the person tackling him - which definitely identified his attacker as Ephraim Fletcher. No one else would smell this badly of sweat and alcohol and whatever else was mixed in there. Zach didn't want to think of it.

"What the fuck do ya think you're doing, scum?" Zach heard Ephraim's slurred voice, as he felt his elbow pressing into his back. It was painful, to say the least, especially considering how heavy Ephraim was. Zach could barely breathe, let alone answer Ephraim's question. He didn't even know what to answer him, if he was honest. He had no excuse prepared for this case.

"Ya stalkin' out my house? Seein' what the family is up to? The family you destroyed?" he asked him.

"I have no business with your family, Ephraim." Zach managed to croak out, as the pressure on his back was letting off a little. He'd have to be still and wait for a good moment to topple Ephraim and then he'd have to get the hell out of here or Ephraim was definitely going to kill him. Hopefully he was able to let out all his aggression on him, before Charlotte would show up here.

"Then whatcha doin' out here? Plannin' to stake out my property? Takin' another one of the girls, huh?" Ephraim growled, as he twisted his arm behind his back. Zach groaned in pain, breathing heavily. He had to somehow survive this, so he could kill Ephraim. He was going to do it. Tonight, if he got the chance. He almost wished he had it done much earlier and he could already be back on the road.

"I don't know what you're talking about. The only one who has ever taken any of your girls was you. You killed Grace, didn't you? Didn't like that she wanted to leave the house, huh?" Zach asked. Ephraim got up and turned him around, before picking him up by the throat and pinning him against the wall of one of the houses around them. Zach could barely manage to breathe.

"You better keep that big mouth of yours shut." Ephraim growled. Zach was feeling sick smelling his sour breath in his face.

"Or what? You're going to kill me, too? Wouldn't be too bad if you ask me." Zach replied, before gasping for air. In the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his jaw and his nose. It took him a while to realise it, but Ephraim had punched him in the face. It didn't take long until he punched him a second time and a third time for good measure. Zach could barely stay conscious. Ephraim may have been a drunk old man, but he still packed a mighty punch.

"Why would I kill ya? I don't think you've suffered enough yet, you little bastard. I'll make ya pay if ya don't get out of town by tomorrow." Ephraim said, before shoving him to the ground roughly. Zach fell so hard that the breath was knocked out of his lungs for a few seconds, before he managed to catch a breath again. He slowly sat up and saw Ephraim having his back turned as he was making his way towards his house.

"How the hell are you gonna make me pay, Ephraim? You have nothing on me. Nothing. What else could you possibly do to me?" Zach asked, his lips forming a weak grin. He knew that there was always the possibility that he might hurt Charlotte, but Zach had no idea how Ephraim would know anything about them. So he hoped that she was safe. That hope was slowly dwindling, however, especially as Ephraim turned around with a huge, wide grin on his face.

"Do ya really think that ya were being sneaky with that little whore of yours?" he asked. Zach's heart sunk immediately. He was starting to panic, but it was very possible that Ephraim was only bluffing. Or that he had someone else in mind, completely. Which wouldn't be good, but better than if he had his mind set on harming Charlotte.

"I don't know who you're talking about. And I honestly don't know how you'd ever get away with another murder."

"Oh, as long as you are in town, I don't need to get away with anything. I just need to blame it all on you. You're going to hang this time, Wright. I promise ya that much. Now get out of here, before I get the shotgun and finish ya for good." Ephraim said. Zach gulped. He didn't doubt that Ephraim would kill him right there and then on sight. He did have to get out of here, especially if he wanted to warn Charlotte somehow. It was going to be difficult, but he needed to somehow get the message to her that she shouldn't go to see the Fletchers. Under no circumstances should she go anywhere near them, especially Ephraim. He might need Abigail's help for that, however.

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