Kinako from the Future

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Me: And so a new friend has been introduced and she comes from the future. She holds a secret too but none shall know until the end.

Kiara: Shut up, Chari...

Kinako: Kiara, don't be mean, I think she's trying to get everyone into the intended mood.

Me: Thank you! Now that's a friend, right there. You are a horrible one, Kiara. Kinako, I shall give you the honor of doing the disclaimers.

Kinako: Chari doesn't own One Piece! Enjoy!

Me: Shoo, bad friend! Shoo!


The next day was a holiday so I was at home, painting on a glass that I had found lying alone in the storage room just waiting to have a dragon painted on it. Law had gone back to the Other world, something about them reaching a new island in the New World and him wanting to check it out, thoroughly. Britney Spears' 'Criminal' played in the background, because I always draw with music on, it always helps me relax while drawing. Something unsettling, settled at the bottom of my stomach all of a sudden. I raised my head and glared out of my window, Yami had gotten into his neko form as well, mirroring my expression. His tail twitched in anticipation and anxiety.

"Trouble's coming, I feel it." Yami told me.

"Yeah, I know." I said and that was when the heart wrenching happened...

"KIARA!!!" it was Grandma's voice.

"Grandma, Grandma, GRANDMA!!!" I shouted, bolting out of my room, Yami at my heels. I brought out Kagetora, running down the stairs and out onto the front yard to see Grandma suspended in midair, by some weird tree monster. On its shoulder was a woman, she was beautiful but anyone who dares to attack my grandma is an evil bitch; she's dead whether she likes it or not. I didn't go through the normal routine that follows any normal kidnapping movie; with the "Give her back!" and the "You'll have to make me!" kinda thing, I just unsheathed Kagetora created a room and slashed at the plant thing and the woman. They both dodged and Yami shapeshifted into a massive cat monster and attacked the plant thing, it dropped my grandma and I caught her just before she hit the ground.

"Grandma, go inside and don't come out, I'll handle this." I said, Grandma nodded and bolted into the house while I attacked the woman, she managed to pull out a sword from nowhere and the both of us were locked in an intense sword fight while Yami wrestled the plant thing. That was when she whistled and the plant monster suddenly let go of Yami and attacked me instead.

I held out my hand in front of me. "Counter Shock!"

Bolts of yellow electricity hit the plant monster head on and I allowed myself a small smirk, my Counter Shock has definitely gotten even better and it doesn't drain much of my energy nowadays. Though, my smirk left my face as the plant thing began to reform into a monster again and the woman had decided to attack Yami who was still in his cat monster form, trying to stomp the bitch into a pancake. I need to help Yami, he won't last like that and my grandpa should be arriving home from the supermarket anytime now. Though I had to deal with this plant monster first, every time I cut it into pieces the thing kept reforming, getting bigger each time, it annoyed me like hell.

"Damn it, can't you just die, you overgrown weed!?" I demanded from it.

"No, I doubt it, Kiara Giamante." The woman smirked speaking for the first time, after I had decided that she can't speak, I wanted to voice out my thought but decided against it. I didn't want it to be like that time when Luffy decided that he should laugh at Pica's voice and almost get a mountain sized rock fist in his face. So I just growled at her and focused my attention back onto the plant monster, but then I heard Yami whimper, to see the woman had driven her sword straight into one of Yami's front legs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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