Me An Alpha's Mate.....I don't believe it

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Aleah's POV

 I blinked twice still seeing them. I  guess your thinking come on your serious there could be anyone in the world with the same eyes but mines are diffrent. They're purple yeah i know weird. I froze in my stance until Mikel started to get in my veiw. Pushing him out the way i go towards her for some odly reason looked exactly like me except for the clothes. Behind me i heard an intake of breath. "Mina?" I hear him say behind me. Her smile was heart warmed yet eerie at the same time as if she planned this or something. "Hello." she said, we even sounf the same. The next thing I know Im seeing blackness and I faint. I wake on something cushiony.

"You've finnaly awaken." my own voice replied to me, but it wasnt me who was talking

"Who are you."

"Isnt it obvious your twin." she says smiling again

"THat's not true Im an only child your liing thats just a great makeup kob."

"Are you serious why would i want to look exactly like you not on my list of thimgs to do." she sayd rolling her eyes

"Are you always this sarcastic?" I say leaning on my elbows

"Only to you." she says

"Thats just great isnt it.' I say


"Where am I."

"In a hotel." she says her reading 'duh'

"What hotel."

"The same one you fainted in."

"I fainted." I've never fainted this much in my life

Just then Mikel came throught the door looking back in fourth between me and Mina

"Would you like to explain." he says

Me An Alpha's Mate.....I don't believe itWhere stories live. Discover now