The begining

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The day started like how all great days do ,it started with rain. There's something about rain the feeling you get when it rains the way the sky slowly changes like a moving picture,the sound each drop makes as it comes in contact with the ground,that specific smell that fills the air . I love rainy days they make you just want to snuggle up and drink hot cocoa wrapped up in a warm blanket . So why was I not doing that ? My mum and I have this special routine on rainy days. It's when we both cuddle up on the couch watch sad movies or read books and she always makes us the most delicious hot chocolate.We weren't always this close,there was a time we weren't even close at all .But I guess losing my dad is what brought us closer together, we lost dad 3 years ago to cancer it was a really rough time for my mum and I ,she was always depressed and then she started drinking . I wasn't any better I blamed the world for what happened I got into dumb fights and did a lot of things I regret ,but we got through it together I guess we both realised dad wouldn't want us to stop living just because he was gone,he'd want us to keep pushing forward and I guess that's what we did.

Now back to why I'm out here in this pouring rain instead of snuggling on the couch sipping hot cocoa.Mum has the habit of always checking the weather forecast before she goes anywhere I always said that it was pointless and see where that got me;running through the park being soaked by rainfall. I love rain and all but I do not like getting soaked in it. This morning actually was quite sunny I didn't even consider it'd rain today,which is why I left the house without an umbrella normally that wouldn't be a problem because I was just going to the convenience store near my house and I could easily rush back home if it started raining,but today I decided to take a walk through the park first. And much to my displeasure it just had to start raining .

The first thing to know about clover park is,there is nowhere to shade you from rain except for the under bridge at the far end of the park and I for one did not wish to keep standing out in the open so I picked up the pace and started heading towards there and just my luck it was like thirty feet away .When I finally got there I leaned against the wall taking in deep breaths"I really need to get in shape"I muttered breathlessly. 

"Could you keep it down some off us are trying to get some rest here "groaned a deep voice.Shit shit shit,that's all that was going on in my head how could I have been so stupid and not have checked if anyone else was here .This is the perfect spot for me to get robbed or worse. Its secluded,no ones around and plus the sound off the rain would cover up the sound of my screams.

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