Chapter 4

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"Would you care to explain to me where you were and why you weren't with your phone ?"my mum yelled

"I'm so sorry it was an accident I got held up by the rain because I took a walk through the park" I admit sheepishly .
"You didn't even answer your phone, oh wait you couldn't ,do you want to know why?"
I'll tell you why, or maybe you can explain to me how your phone ended up in the fridge !"she asked

I am way to clueless I can't believe I left my phone in the fridge , who does that?
I probably dropped it this morning when I stole some of mums chocolate pudding.
"You did what!!!!!"she screamed
Wait did I say that out loud ?
" That's it ,your grounded and that's final."

Me and my big fat dumb mouth, I really need I stop button. I don't know how I keep getting my self into these situations . it's not my fault , just can't control myself .And in my defense it was CHOCOLATE PUDDING!!! , and something's are just worth stealing.

so that's how I ended up in my room lying on my bed ; staring at the ceiling. At least that's I appeared to be doing, but actually my mind was somewhere else far from the confinements of my room and this dumb town. I was in the world of my imagination. I often find myself zoning out of conversations and staring off into space because I'm way to busy with my thoughts .My teachers often tell my mum that i would do a lot better in school if I actually took a moment to get my head out of the clouds. Okay , technically that's not what they say but I know it's what they mean.

On a regular basis I find myself coming up with thoughts about random people. Like a stranger sitting next to me on a bench I come up with all sorts of thoughts about the person, like their probably some sort of gang boss , or the girl that sits next to me in statistics is an undercover German spy. Which Is probably the reason why I was spending my time thinking about that boy I met in the park, and so far since I don't know his name I've decided to call him hoodie boy.
I know who calls someone hoodie boy?
Totally uncreative I know , but deal with it!!

That's when I remembered I was still wearing his hoodie.
Oh shit!, I really hope my mum didn't notice or I'd be getting and earful. I also remembered
I was still wearing my wet clothes, so I decided to have a nice warm shower. I quickly got out of my clothes and into the shower and began to slowly apply my raspberry body wash , sighing in relief as the warm water from the shower slowly covered my body. After my shower I headed over to my closet picked out my comfiest pair of grey jogging bottoms and a white tank t .
My mum and I have a lot of things in on, but fashions sense is not one of them, mum always dresses over the top, she always dresses as if she's off to some extravagant event. Even if she's only out getting some groceries. Though I'm not complaining, after all it's because of her over the top dressing that her and dad met in the first place.
They met under the most unlikely of circumstances, not in all the cliche way lots of couples meet. They met at a funeral, weird I know. I guess it was pretty hard for him not to notice her, because according to dad ,she wore a dress so sparkly it might as well have been a disco ball. Dad was at first startled, then amused with her, so he asked around , found out who she was , asked her out , they started talking , got married a couple years later and boom presto!! They had me.

So yeah that's my life in a nutshell , but as fun as it is to think about how I came into existence I had more oppressing things on my mind, like how was I going to return this hoodie to hoodie boy? I practically new nothing about him.ill probably see him in the park again. How hard could it be to find one boy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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