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Alex continued to serve MI6, due to certain threats of the death of Alex's friend, until he allegedly died in the field- the kill was officially attributed to a SCORPIA agent who had remained undetected, however this was merely a guess as there was very little evidence of how he died.

He would remain known as the real life Captain America in old news articles but the media interest had declined after a week. Not much else was known about him.

Tom Harris was the only person to attend Alex's makeshift funeral. He went to the football field near Brookland Comprehensive, where they used to play football together. He sat in  a tree on the edge of the grass area and whispered goodbye to Alex as tears streamed down his face.

Alan Blunt and Mrs Jones had decided that there was no need to hold a funeral considering that they had already held one for him when he was buried in ice.

Alex was dead this time- no risk of coming back to life, but in his last few seconds he wished he had done something differently. He would have actually preferred it if he was shot by a SCORPIA agent. But instead, instead he was shot by his own team, the team that had been blackmailing him to work for them for years, the team that he had put his entire childhood on hold for.

Alex stood there, still and motionless, opposite a MI6 agent. His gun dropped from his hand and Alex keeled over as the bullet entered his heart- this time in the right place.

The agent dragged his body through the long grass and towards the cliffs. Alex was unceremoniously tossed into the sea.

The tear drops rolled off his face on to the bark of the tree. Tom wiped his eyes and made a decision. He got out his phone and searched for investigative journalists- he would make MI6 pay.

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