Chapter Two - Ilum, Crystal Cave, Then

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Zaiy'la, the other Younglings, and Master Yoda found themselves in a large cave carved into one of the giant iced mountains that covered the planet. It was beautiful. When the Star Hopper had landed on Ilum, the group had been met with snowfall that made it impossible to see further than a few meters. Master Yoda had gathered them near the icy wall of one mountain and they had used the Force together to reveal a secret entrance on the sacred planet. Once they were inside the cave, away from the falling snow, Yoda had opened a window at the top of the cave, letting light illuminate the entire place. That same light shone directly toward a giant suspended crystal, its reflected beam melting the entry to the Crystal Cave.

"Younglings," Master Yoda began, and the small group gathered around him. He had told them they would enter the cave and the gathering of their Kyber crystals would begin. He had also informed them that the door would freeze again after daylight, and they would be trapped inside if they didn't make it out before that. That part had gotten their attention the most, already imagining the worst-case scenarios.

"So you're not coming with us, Master Yoda?" asked Denn. "We will be alone in the Crystal Cave?"

"Alone, you are not, for the Force always with you, it is, yes?" he looked at the five younglings in front of him. "Each other, you have. May the Force be with you."

And with that, the younglings nodded, looked at each other, and proceeded towards the entrance of the cave. It was cold inside, and Zaiy'la was glad Master Yoda had provided them with warm coats. Zaiy'la pulled the hood over her head, covering her freezing ears.

With each step she took, she silently repeated Master Yoda's instructions in her mind. She remembered exactly what the wise master had told them-only they would know which crystal was theirs, no one else could know nor find it for them. She would need to trust the Force, and let it guide her just like she had always done at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

The Younglings kept walking together a little longer until they had to break their small group as the tunnels multiplied inside the cave. They had initially planned on staying together, so they wouldn't get lost and they could help each other out, but they had quickly understood it wouldn't be possible if they wanted to find their crystals before daylight ended. Zaiy'la decided to take the tunnel furthest to the left, she had a feeling this was the right way for her.

When Zaiy'la entered the tunnel, she opened herself to the Force, and there, she felt it-the slightest breeze of air, flowing through the cave. She smiled-a feeling . She had to follow the breeze, it felt like it was calling out for her. As she walked deeper into the cave tunnels, Zaiy'la could feel the breeze intensifying, turning into great winds. She knew she was getting closer, her connection to the Force amplifying with each step. She sometimes stopped, reaching out with one hand. She smiled, trusting in the Force, and arrived in front of a frozen lake. On the other side, something shone, small and bright.

She proceeded towards the lake and stopped in front of it. Would it be wise to walk across a frozen lake? There was only one way to find out-she gently put her right foot on the ice and put some pressure on the frozen surface. Nothing happened-she couldn't see nor hear a crack near her foot. She took a few careful steps, looking around her for any signs of ice fragilization beneath her weight. Satisfied with how the frozen surface stayed intact under her feet, she kept walking slowly and carefully, feeling the call of the Force, feeling something alive -her crystal. The Force was flowing through it-it wasn't like any inanimate objects-she could hear her crystal calling for her.

When she reached the far end of the lake, she was only a few steps away from the bright source. She stepped closer, carefully, an amethyst crystal sitting on what looked like a small icy table.

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