chapter 5

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sorry if this book is boring! this chapter is gonna be about Robin and how much it affected him, I suggest that you read it cause there's something near the end thats gonna add ALOT onto the story

Watch the music video above if you wanna be more sad 🤭

- Nobodys POV-
Robin basically had to drag himself out of bed. He was exhausted and his face was pale. Under his eyes were noticeably dark circles.

Robin spent basically all night thinking about Finn. What could've happened, what if he wasn't taken by the grabber. Where is he, why did it have to be him.

At some point, Robin even started crying. He doesn't cry that easily, he cried until he fell asleep which is the main reason he woke up with such puffy eyes.

His mother was aware of this, she tried her best to comfort her son but nothing really seemed to work. There wasn't much she could even do.

Robin was also worried about Gwen. She wasn't holding up well at all, she stays up all night crying and praying for Finny to come back. She's been sleeping during class nonstop.

Robin tries to comfort her by stopping by and walking with her, talking about anything else that could possibly distract her. It was hard. He wasn't just distracting Gwen. He was also distracting himself from the thought of Finny.

Robin walked over to the Blake's house. He waits for Gwen everyday on her doorstep. Gwen was alot like Robin. Everyday, she'd also stay up all night questioning everything about Finny. She'd also cry. She'd also have to drag herself out of bed otherwise she'd be there forever.

Robin tried his best to cheer up the both of them but it was hard. Some days Robin and Gwen couldn't bare the thought of going to school without Finny. They'd skip school and go anywhere else.

Today was one of those days. Robin had zoned out while waiting for Gwen until he heard her door creak open.

"Hey Robin." She said quietly, the pain in her voice hurt to listen to.

"Hi Gwen." Robin pulled Gwen into a hug in order to help her cheer up.

"I don't want to go to school." Gwen locked her door eith her housekey before turning back to face Robin.

"Oh. I know somewhere we can go." Robin wasn't sure if he'd regret this or not, but he decided to go to Finny's favourite place. Maybe that'd cheer them up? He didn't know what to do.

Gwen and Robin went the opposite direction they usually walk to. Gwen was confused as to where they were going,

"It's a surprise. You'll like it!" Robin said with an empathized tone. They were walking for atleast another 5 minutes before Gwen started to recognize the area.

"This is Finnys favourite field. This was the park we'd always play games at." Gwen felt comforted strangely enough, it felt relieving as if Finny was still there.

Robin on the other hand, also liked it, however it kinda hurt. He remembered how they laid on the top of the hill while it rained, talking to eachother and laughing.

It was actually one of the best days ever. The way the stars shined, Finny was right next to him. The weather was perfect. It was peaceful.

However.. it was also the day he realized something he would've never guessed.

Robin liked Finny.

He liked him alot. The thought of Finny away from him before made him physically sick. Now that it's actually happening, he felt guilty. Guilty that he didn't spend enough time with finny when he had the chance.

Who knows when the next time Robin and Finny would see eachother again? He started to tear up. He was embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do to stop himself from crying.

Gwen comforted him by hugging him. That's when Robin noticed something. He couldn't keep sitting around, crying over Finny waiting for him to come back. He'd also have to do something.

He didn't even bother looking for Finn, the thought of him gone distracted Robin from thinking about anything else.

"Gwen." Robin wiped his tears.

"What's wrong?" Gwen was relieved he stopped crying, but now wanted to hear what he had to say.

"There's two important things I need to tell you about Finn." Gwen looked even more curious at Robin's words,

"One. I like Finn." Robin looked at Gwen dead in the eyes.

Gwen didn't know what to say, she was speechless. Along with shocked, she didn't get angry.

She couldn't be angry if it was about Finny. Robin already went through alot, she couldn't possibly add onto it all by making him feel like he's a disgusting person.

"I don't really understand or know what to say. But I'm not against you." Gwen seemed kinda awkward, but be a boy liking another boy? That wasn't common at all.

Finny was missing, the least of her concerns right now were somebody's feelings to another person.

"What's the second thing?" Gwen asked.

"We need to find Finn. I don't care if it takes weeks, months, years, decades. We have to find him Gwen. We can't keep crying over Finn waiting for him to just appear infront of us." Robin's idea actually wasn't that bad. But it wasn't risky.

"I don't know Robin. It's risky, and if we get caught looking for him we're in deepshit. But I agree with you!" Gwen seemed upset.

"I'll help you with your idea. But if I think anything is too risky or dangerous I'm not doing it! I know you won't listen if I ask you to stop. So please, Robin. I'm trusting you to be careful." Gwen's voice went quiet.

"I promise Gwen. We can find Finn together. I'll be careful. I won't do anything dangerous or risky, you can trust me." Robin reassured Gwen.

Gwen pulled Robin in a hug, she seemed to get happier at the thought of getting Finny back.

Robin smiled and hugged her back.

this chapter was actually kinda sad

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