Spin the Bottle (Niam, Jealous Zayn-One Shot)

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Louis let out a sigh, tossing the bottle up and down, his legs resting on Harry’s lap, who had decided it was funny to untie and retie Louis’ shoelaces over and over again. “We’ve been here for what, an hour doing nothing,” He complained. He threw the bottle at Liam’s head, who only responded with a annoyed grunt. He watched the bottle spin on the floor and sat up. “We should play spin the bottle!” He suggested, clapping his hands together.

“You always say that, and we never end up playing,” Zayn responded, his voice bored.

“Then lets play now!” Louis chirped, sitting down on the floor. The boys gathered in a small circle, the bottle in the middle. 

“I dunno Lou,” Liam muttered, frowning. “I have a girlfriend.”

“So does Zayn, and me,” Louis replied, slapping the younger boy on the back. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Liam let out a sigh, grumbling an okay. “Me first,” Louis continued, spinning the bottle. The boys watched as the coke bottle slowed to a stop in front of Niall. Niall let out a loud laugh, only slight embarrasement in his eyes. Louis wasted no time, crawling over to Niall and pressing his lips against the irish lad. Harry let out a huff, clearly jealous.

“Looks like someone wanted to ride the tomlinson train,” Zayn coughed, looking over at Harry. Niall pulled away, bursting into laughter.

“The Tomlinson train!” He echoed, hitting the floor. He gathered himself up, spinning the bottle. He watched it intently, watching it stop on a certain brunette.


He looked up, meeting a shy gaze and flushed cheeks. he felt his cheeks heat up too, looking away.

“C’mon you guys!” Harry cheered. “Don’t be chicken!” Niall bit his lip, looking back at Liam. He slowly leaned forward, resting their foreheads together.

“Just kiss already!” Louis complained.

Liam slightly smiled, resting one hand on Niall’s cheek as he brought their lips together. They both held back at first, shy and slightly embarrased. However, after a few moments, Niall leaned forward more, almost on Liam’s lap. Liam didn’t flinch, just continued to kiss the blonde, running his tongue over the younger’s lower lip. The two forgot about the rest of the boys, caught up in each other.

Harry looked at Louis, coking one eyebrow. Wow,look like someones gonna ride on the payne train tonight he mouthed, grinning. Louis covered his mouth, trying to hold back a laugh. Harry’s smile vanished when he saw a slightly scowling Zayn, channeling his anger at the floor.

Zayn looked up, seeing Harry staring at him. He quickly wiped the frown off his face, forcing a smile. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but just then the two boys broke apart, their cheeks red.

“Uhm, I think I’m gonna get a drink,” Liam mumbled, standing up and walking out the door. As he left the room, a little skip in his steps, Zayn let out a soft sigh, laying down on the floor.

“Lets play something else yeah?”

Spin the Bottle (Niam, Jealous Zayn-One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now