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🎧 line without a hook- ricky montgomery
chapter 1

the night I met him wasn't how I would have ideally wanted it to be.

well for fucks sake I was having a mental breakdown in our local lake and of all people who had to ask if I was okay it was kirk fucking hammett.

the nerdy and bullied guy in my highschool.

did it make me a bad person to have a reaction that was like 'oh its you....' in a negative undertone?

well you couldn't blame me if you heard all the shit everyone has said about the relatively quiet boy.

just dont listen to people when they assume a whole different persons aura

trust me.

i had a bad impression of kirk and so did he for me

i thought he was just some loner that likes horror and plays in a garage band but boy was a wrong.

and he thought i was some entitled bitch who was overly self absorbed but we'll get into that later

there was no way that was people assumed of him because if they really got to know kirk everyone would love him.

i mean with a smile like that?

his curly hair and intricate smell of cigarettes and cologne made my senses numb. I found myself getting attached to a person i totally would not expect myself to find attractive.

well that night at the lake i was balling my eyes out because of my parents, what a surprise. My mom and dad have been fighting a lot recently and they have been blaming me as their reason they want to get a divorce.

Mom might as well call me a slut everyday with that disgusting judgmental look whenever her eyes meet my outfits.

"i didn't raise you to dress like a slut"

well i'm sorry mother im not the little perfect girl i was in middle school.

fucking shit happened. trauma, bad friends, bad people, drugs.

that shit changes a person.

whereas my dad is a total douche most of the time.

most of the time he was never here but when he was he was always picking on me for some goddamn reason

he was on me for the stupidest shit all the time, always finding a way to get me grounded.

i can't wait to move out and be by myself, be with my own people, make my own decisions.

I remember the exact feelings i was having when he approached me


"hey are you okay?" a gentle voice asked, the unknown person plopping down beside me as i sniffled a little

"what kind of question is that dumbass. I'm out here balling my goddamn eyes out and you ask 'are you okay' like use your brain." i harshly replied, not even bothering to see who i was speaking to

there was silence for a bit before the boy cleared his throat. "i know somethings wrong and its fine if you dont want to talk about it" he quietly mumbled, admiring my side profile with some concern.

who the fuck was this boy and why was he concerned about me?

i finally turned to my right to meet eyes with a beautiful baby faced boy with messy curls that barely reached his chest.

god he was beautiful

"why are you so concerned about me huh?" i said glancing at the brown haired boy before going back to looking at the lake, my eyeliner and mascara ruined from all the tears.

"my heart broke at the sight of you crying at the lake lana" he quietly responded, looking away from shyness.

"i'm sorry do i know you?" i looked up at the taller guy.

he frowned "wouldn't expect you to considering how popular you are but i'm kirk. kirk hammett"

my face winced at what he said. of all people why kirk hammett? was i being too mean? he seemed nice.

"oh i have heard of you before are you friends with cliff burton?" i said, forcing a small smile.

he grinned at the sight of me cheering up a little. "yeah! it's kinda sad you know cliff and not me" he jokingly pretended to be shot in chest to which i laughed.

a real genuine laugh. not a fake generic one i have been forcing for months. it came so surprisingly to me. why now? why with the school loner?

it was so odd.

the small butterflies i have in my stomach with his small laughs

the comfortable feeling i have around the rather shy boy

the fact that we were polar opposites

but odd things can happen right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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