When You Get Hate/Insults

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What happens when you get hate and insults from 'fans'?

Comment #1: 'Why is Y/n in BTOB? She really should just leave.'

Comment #2: 'Why is Y/n still there? She can't sing, dance, rap, and she doesn't have any visuals.'

Comment #3: 'Why did they choose her as a member of BTOB? They would be better off without her.'

Comment #4: 'Y/n should just kill herself. She doesn't belong in BTOB.'

Comment #5: 'I wonder if the BTOB members even like Y/n. They must secretly hate her. There's no way they like her. Y/n, just kill yourself.'

Comment #6: 'Y/n, stay away from my oppas! You don't deserve to be close to them! Just leave and never come back! Or even better, kill yourself.'

Y/n: There are more hate comments, but I can't bring myself to read any more of them. I was just laying on my bed reading comments, but I happened to come across a lot of them. I have been getting hate comments nonstop lately and I think the boys have noticed that I've been acting weird because of them. As I was reading them, I could feel a few tears start to fall down. After reading them, I just shut off my phone, set it on my bed next to me, and just stared at the ceiling as my tears kept coming out. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I heard a knock on the door. I immediately wipe my tears away and sit up on my bed. "Come in." I say and I see Hyunsik walk in.

Hyunsik: "Hey Y/n." He says and sits next to me.

Y/n: "What's up?" I ask him trying to sound like I'm not upset.

Hyunsik: "I came to tell you that dinner is ready."

Y/n: "Ah. Okay." I say and look down trying to avoid eye contact, but it didn't work very well.

Hyunsik: "Hey." He says as he makes me look at him. "Did you cry? Your eyes look puffy." He says as he takes my face in his hands.

Y/n: "No. I'm just tired." I say as I move his hands away.

Hyunsik: "Did you not sleep well last night?" He asks me softly as he looks at me.

Y/n: "No. I didn't." I say and shake my head to change the topic. "Well, you go ahead and go downstairs. I'll be there in a minute."

Hyunsik: "Okay. I'll see you downstairs." He says as he gets up and leaves the room. After I see that he left the room, I sigh and look at comments again.

Comment #7: 'Y/n is so fat and ugly! Does she not go on enough diets?! Just leave BTOB!'

Comment #8: 'I can't believe someone this ugly could make it into BTOB. Just leave or kill yourself you stupid bitch!'

Comment #9: 'CUBE, make Y/n go on more diets. I can't believe how fat and ugly she is.'

Comment #10: 'Oppas, be honest. How many of you actually like her? Y'all must secretly be bullying her or something. There's no way y'all like someone that fat and ugly in your group.'

Comment #11: 'Y/n just ruins BTOB. CUBE, please kick her out or let her kill herself!'

Y/n: I then just sigh again. I don't know what I did to deserve this much hate. Then, I just turn my phone off and go downstairs as I know they're waiting on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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