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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Internal Genitalia, Size Difference, Hair Pulling, Feral Behavior, Outdoor Sex, Large Cock, Stomach Bulging, Knotting, Cum]

  Handing the plate of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns to Stitch, I waited until they had the plate situated on their lap before handing over a fork. Stitch stabbed some of the scrambled eggs, and I put my hands on my hips.

  "So, uh, the thing behind my shed." I saw the alien visibly freeze. "Is it a ship? Is that what you went and did the other day?"

  "I don't see anything." Stitch said after a pause, and I just looked at them for a second. Taking in a deep breath through my nose, I then bent over to pick up a rock. Turning on my heel, I threw the rock like a baseball in the direction I knew the invisible structure was.

  The rock soared through the air until it hit something unseen with a distinct metallic bang. Looking back at Stitch, I crossed my arms.

  "Yeah, no shit you don't 'see' anything." I popped off. "You went and got a ship, didn't you?"

  "I knew you'd be upset."

  "No shit, I'm upset!" Waving my hand, I shifted on my feet. "What you did was so dangerous a-and reckless!"

  "You underestimate me." Stitch said before scooping some eggs into their mouth.

  "The only reason I do is because I don't even know what you're capable of. And, regardless, I'm still going to worry. You had to have gone into some heavily guarded facility to get that ship all on your own."

  "Which I managed to do without you knowing." Stitch replied as they stabbed more eggs with the fork. "And without getting injured. That tells you what I'm capable of."

  "But why would you even do that?"

  "You wanted answers. Now you have the option to get them."

  "....So you really could've left at any time?"

  "Once I was healed, yes." Stitch glanced at me before looking back at their food. They didn't say anything else, so I decided to ask the questions that were eating away at me.

  "Then why did you stay?"

  "It was....advantageous for me to. I could rest while thinking of my next move." They looked at my arms as their brows slightly rose. "And I became curious when I saw you had scales."

  "And then, what? Stitch, you've been here a year."

  "I wasn't expecting to....enjoy your company. You are weak and small and soft." Stitch leaned down to be closer to my level. "I found your care offensive. I'm no pup in need of such attention....but I found myself," They paused as if looking for the right words to use in English. "anticipating what you would do next. Your small hands were so gentle when they touched me even though I could tear you apart. Then your scent....it's alluring."

  I felt my cheeks getting warmer as I swallowed. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to respond to being told such a thing?

  "My life has been one battle and hunt after the next. Who is the strongest? Who is the best? Yet here I am....letting a weaker creature order me around. Taunt me. All because I can't get enough of you."

  "Oh." I felt like hitting myself over such a simple response. "Um, well," Clearing my throat, I dropped my gaze and rubbed the back of my neck while placing my other hand on my hip. "I wasn't expecting that kind of a response."

  "Your face is getting hot."

  "I'm embarrassed."

  "So you like what I've said?"

Leila of the Woods [Book Five]Where stories live. Discover now