Fangs Deep

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Chuuya slammed a glass of alcohol against the freshly polished wooden bar table he was seated in front of, alcohol splashing out the cup.

The bar keeper looked at him with a tinge of anger and surprise due to the sudden act shown by the severely drunk redhead.

"Fuck... I'm so wasted..." Chuuya muttered to himself, slumping over the bar table.

He lifted his head and stared out the bar windows briefly.

He watched the thin clouds pass by the dull full moon, casting rays of moonlight and shadows onto the city buildings below.

Grunting, he hopped of the tall barstool, almost tripping over, and slammed a few bucks on the table for the bar keeper.

"Keep the change," the redhead said shortly, a slight slur between his words.

Vision slightly blurred, Chuuya stumbled out the little 'hole in the wall' bar.

My head hurts so damn much... Why the fuck did I drink so much again? The drunk man asked himself internally.

Rounding the corner of a narrow ally, he saw a figure shift in the dim lighting illuminating from the nearby lamp post.

"Who's there?" Chuuya asked.

No response.

After standing in front of the shabby alleyway for a few seconds, waiting, he turned sideways and began to stroll away.

"I don't feel like getting mugged tonight," he scoffed, "I'll just go the long way around I guess."

He continued walking, slightly on guard for anything that might have popped out of the alley.

A sudden coldness wrapped around Chuuya. It was something he had never experienced before.

It was almost as if he was getting hugged by a cold dead body but, nobody was around him.

At the same time... The feeling felt vaguely familiar to him? Almost as if he was being hugged by somebody he knew.

He didn't like it, whatever it was felt ominous and made him feel defenseless for whatever reason.

He flipped around swiftly only to be met by an empty sidewalk, as expected.

Chuuya faced forward yet again, a strange feeling of paranoia settling over him.

"I must just be imagining things from all that liquor," he assured himself uneasily, placing his hand on his head and ruffling his hair slightly.

He continued walking to his small apartment complex, wearily checking behind him every few blocks.

Once the redhead arrived in front of his building he felt a wave of reassurance flow over him.

I'm sure I'll be fine by morning! I just need some sleep to clear my head. Yeah, sleep... he thought whilst opening up his apartment door.

Flicking on the lights, he double checked everything in his home was in order.

"It doesn't seem like anything's out of place or missing... I'm paranoid for no reason. I'll just shower and sleep," he muttered.

After a few hours of sleep Chuuya woke up to the sound of knocking on his apartment door and an immaculate headache.

"Who the hell would be at my door this early in the morning?" He asked out of annoyance after checking the time on his alarm clock.

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