Chapter 4

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You tell Daisy about your banishment that happened 2025 you were a soldier but once the dead started walking you found a group of survivors at New York and a plan to build a safe zone was made and in 2024 it was completed but that was also when the high council was formed.

High council 1: To all of you who helped build this zone we of the high council will try and support you all to humanity.

We all cheer at the words and things did get better you were called to the high counil for a meeting.

Me: You wished to see me.

High council 2: Yes we did you see we four have decided offer you a seat as a high council member.

Me: I would like that but I have to refuse.

High council 4: Why?

Me: Don't misunderstand it sounds like a great offer but I was a soldier and I would like to protect this great city which the last of humanity lives in.

High council 1: I see well then we will make you law an one breaking a rule must be punished how harsh will be based on your judgement.

After that you left and started walking around the city watching for any law breakers of course there was some but it was minor things like littering or spray painting cars but I let them go since it was nothing that could harm our city but I see from the corner of my eye a man begging to some soldiers.

Man: Please I need some extra medicine my daughter is sick please.

Soldier 1: As we told you already the high council has made it law each person will get equal shares for a week now get lost.

Man left and I see him turn into an ally before I walk over to the soldiers and recieve my share of supplies before walking off but I took the same ally to catch up to the man.

Me: Hey you.

Man: Huh me.

Me: Yeah here.

You hand him half of your medicine but he tries to refuse it as it's your share but you still hand it to him.

Man: I can't take this.

Me: Actually you can the law states your not allow to recieve extra supplies at collection but nothing states a person can't share their supplies beside your daughter needs it more than I do.

Man: Thank you.

Me: Your welcome my name is F/n L/n.

Loid: I'm Loid Forger and again thank you.

After that you and Loid became great friends and his daughter saw you like an older brother her name is Anya Forger but after a few months Loid asked you to help him find his wife.

Me: So she went missing after the zone was made.

Loid: Yes we got separated during the rush to get inside before the infected got us so if you could please help me.

Me: I'll see what I can do my friend.

After that you started asking around about the woman but nothing however you didn't give up because she couldn't of just vanished into thin air until you see high council member 4 walking down an ally so you follow him quietly as he opens a door before locking it.

Me: Why would he come here I need to get inside.

You look and see an open window and thanks to your skills a little parkour and you were in however it was a little dark but you could see a light and using the steel beams you stay in the shadows while heading towards the light.

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