chapter 26 • two shitty, evil women to be in love with finney

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another knock?

she ignored it, preparing to rot away in her bed forever.

if it was one of her friends, they could just walk in.

"hey." a voice said, softly.

"get the fuck out." cherry turned around.

"i just want to know something. then i'll leave." mateo promised.

"how did you get in my house?"

"same way finney did. your dad doesn't know who's your friend and who isn't."

"how do you know about that?"

"the same way i knew about the bet about finney. you've always been really loud. and i'm your neighbor. i hear everything."

"you were that stupid twig."

"if you're talking about the twig i stepped on, that was me and iris. doesn't it hurt to know that finney believed iris over you? well, it was true. but finney didn't even talk it out with you before. but me, i would listen to you."

"i don't care! please get out."

"do you like finney or not? i'm tired of liking you, when you're obsessed with finney. i could treat you so much better than he could. he treated you so bad. he yelled at you."

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now