The garden

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**3rd person**

The sun was settling down now and the temperature was ever so slightly dropping. Rose had just got back from Camp Oasis and seemed zoned out.
He went to his throne and plopped down, exhausted mentally and physically.

He looks around his ,what seems to be hollow and empty, home. It's missing something. He just can figure out what.


"It feels lonely, alone, isolated." He glances around and slowly walks down the stairs to his throne, cursing at himself for going up there in the first place.

"What is it? What can it be missing?"

After a good amount of time pondering he gives up and does his best to push it to the back of his thoughts. He proceeds to head outside into the rose garden.

"Always a good idea to refresh the body and it's sense's." He takes a deep breath in, taking in the scent of the fresh flowers. The flowers are sweet and crisp, alive and thriving. Just as he hoped they'd be.

**3rd person**
Time moves and Rose meanders around his garden a little before settling down in a spot to rest. Before Rose even notices an hour has gone by.


"Oh well that's surprising. Didn't mean to spend so much time here." He moves to get up but one of his legs has fallen asleep.

"What the hell?" Suprised with this new sensation he forgets his agitation and is overcome with curiosity. The tingling in his leg is comforting, in a unique way. Attempting to move his leg the tingling turned into soft little stabs of pain in his muscles.

"That's.... interesting." He untenses his muscles as his other leg also starts to develop this tingling sensation.

"Maybe", stretching his arms and wings out he lays down in a comfortable spot, "maybe a few minutes to rest my body won't hurt."

**3rd person**

Rose layed down adjusting themselves into a comfortable position before slowly drifting off. And what was supposed to be a few minutes, well.

[A few hours passed]

Xiphos flew down tired but contempt with his day. He had loads of fun picking flowers with drannus and Kat. But after Kat got tired and left with some of the other campers Xiphos got quite bored.

He yawns stretching his arms out. As he stretches back he accidentally smacks his head into the archway.


"OOOOWWW", Xiphos yelped in momentary pain while rubbing the back of his head. "That hurt."

Looking around and notices the emptiness of his home. Strange because there is always at least one person, brother.

"Brother?" Xiphos called out while wandering the home. "Brother?!" calling a couple more times a little louder.

He passes the kitchen, and checks the bathroom, as well as the bedrooms, the closest, the roof, and gazebo. His brother was nowhere.

Admitting defeat his plops down on the floor and thinks about where else his brother could be. Then it struck him as hard as a train.

"THE GARDEN! Brother loves garden!"

He ran past the throne, through the hallway, and rushed out into the garden landscape.
The garden before him was beautiful, yes he's seen it before, but it still amazes every time.

**3rd Person**

The way the trees bend and stretch out with no limitations, casting a long shadow down on the ground below. Or how are first glance it seems that every square inch is covered in flowers, sadly it's not but it's still quite full.
Or how the sunlight gleems down from above and makes the place glow with natural beauty.

Xiphos takes a step into the garden careful to avoid stepping on the flowers. The grass always tends to have a soft gentle feeling to it, like how you'd imagine walking on a cloud to be.

The whole garden radiates with beauty. It has a warm and welcoming feeling, as if all your problems have disappeared. It's a truly magnificent place, worthy enough for his brother.

Xiphos looks around a little before spotting the carefully pebbled path. His brother made this path just for him so that when he wants to come inside the garden he won't crush any flowers. Xiphos very carefully takes a few steps over before landing on the path with a sigh of relief.

"Brother?" Xiphos calls out, careful not to be loud as to disturb the peaceful garden.
He walks halfway down the path before he sees a little blob of magenta against one of the trees to his left.

"Brother" Xiphos calls out as he makes his way over to him. Once close enough Xiphos could tell, his baby brother was fast asleep.

His face widens into a smile, happy that his brother's sleep is finally peaceful. Xiphos shivers as the cold air settles in and the sun dips down farther now.

Looking down at his brother he then very gently picks him up, as to not wake him. And carries the sibling back to Xiphos room.

Xiphos holds rose close as he lays down, making sure you keep him comfortable. He gives his brother a small kiss on the forehead before wrapping them both up in blankets.

He slowly drifts off into sleep, happy that his brother is at peace. That sleep can be a place for him to get away. A place where he can truly be him. And with that last thought trailing off, he sleeps.

***So sorry this took so long
Didn't mean to make it such a long wait. But I hope you enjoyed this first story ^°^. I've never written one before, so thank you so much for reading this.***

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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