[21] Hallucinating

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i was about to go out since my shift is over but the bell of the door was heard means a customer came in before i could even remove my apron

i took a deep breath before facing him
i was a bit angry but i have to face the customers with a smile on my face

"good afternoon sir what can i get you?" i greeted the customer with a smile, i was confused if he is somewhat a robber or a celebrity.

he is all covered up by a black jacket,mask and a huge hat that i can't even see his eyes

"that's all?"

"yes please"

his voice sounded quite similar to jungwon's but jungwon's voice isn't that deep

"name sir?" i asked

"o-h u-h" the man was stuttering
maybe he thought i was asking him for-?? lol this customer is assuming

"it's for you're order sir so we can call you when it's done" i chuckled

"o-h!, hehe yes it's j-johnny"
my eyes widens when i heard that name

i didn't look at him and just wrote his name down.

i prepared his order while my eyes gets blurry because of my tears that i'm holding back

soon the other worker came who will take over

i wiped my tears and took a deep breath before calling the man again

"one iced americano for..j-johnny."
i stuttered.

"thank you" he bowed and looked up to me

i recognized his eyes it looks similar to won too, what's happening to me?
why do i kept seeing things? is he even real or what?

as soon as his eyes met mine he quickly looked down and bowed one last time before exiting the shop

"i must be hallucinating again.."
i froze there looking at the door until
someone taps my shoulder

"seo? are you alright?" i quickly turned around to see my other workers looking at me with a worried look on their faces

"i'm ok, no worries"
i wiped my tears before removing my apron and hat then ran out of the shop

"what did you do to me won.."


"are you crazy?!, you'll get caught!!
i will order instead!"

"hyung please~"

"oh don't hyung hyung me you never drink coffee"

"just this once i want to see her"
he pouted

i took a deep breath before handing him my wallet

"don't take too long, i don't wanna wait" i glared at him who was jumping up and down from excitement


and there he is skipping like a little kid to the shop



i went to sunoo's place with ni-ki to hang out



"have you seen..johnny lately?"

"i haven't, last time he visited me in my dreams were like months ago. why?"
he looked at me munching on his chips

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