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Midnight Lights

(ft. Lahmph-Stants)

It was another continuous night in the Dreaming Fields, the tribal lands of the Dreemlightz. Well, the skies in the Dreaming Fields are always the same, they never change. Fields were grazed in hues of magenta, as beds had wood with colors of the stars. Their covers were just like a galaxy's hue, and the lamp posts were a deep blue just as the eternal night in the Dreaming Fields. Lamp posts lit the way for adventurers to explore, with all of their lights in different tints. Each path was carved for many who seeked to stay, leave, or even investigate the lands. Besides all that, everything was tranquil as ever.

Stants was on a small hill over the fields, while Lahmph looked over the entirety of the fields, as if they were a giant.

"Ah, the eternal night here with the many stars in the sky... They are always as gleaming and beautiful as they always were." Stants murmured to himself, they were the cyclops that acted as the body of the lamp.

"Stants, you have said that more times than I could count." Lahmph interrupted, her tone as angered as a bull. They were the two eyed lampshade with their eyelids always at the midpoint of their eyes. Covered and dressed in magenta, the two were a duo of Mixels in one.

"Lahmph, I understand your anger, but we should appreciate every moment we have! It's not like we see this everyday, now." Stants replied, with an eager tone. "These stars are signs of dreams that have flourished, dreams that have become reality! It might not even be long until we enter our next dream!"

"Right. Suppose I take this time then." Lahmph replied. And then, the two were gazing over the skies, filled with constellations from afar, the night was still beautiful...

Until the tranquility was disrupted.

A star within the night skies of the Dreaming Fields turned red, signaling that someone was experiencing a nightmare.

"Is that..." Stants hesitated, as he squinted his eyes over to see the red star.

"A RED STAR!" It was followed by his shout afterwards.

"Stants, hurry. This is a bad sign already." Lahmph muttered, her expression changing into one of anger and determination. But the two Mixels had no legs, how would they even get in time? Lahmph-Stants both knew what to do. Stants stood up with their arms and began rushing through to get to the location of where the red star was shining below. Because of their agility, and Lahmph cheering for Stants to go fast, they were able to reach their destination. They were both met with a green door, with a slash in the middle.

"This is it. Open the door." Lahmph commanded Stants, as he grabbed the handle, and entered the nightmare of someone's own dreams.

In a moment, the two were in the Dreaming Fields. And in the next, inside a dream. Upon entering the dream, the two were greeted by several shadows surrounding them, and a Mixel surrounded by it. Tons of shadows engulfed the Mixel, surrounding them and drowning them in fear.

"Gee, Lahmph! That darkness sure looks large!" Stants panicked. "I don't think we can do this, it seems too overwhelming for me..."

"Stants, relax. Just trust in me." said Lahmph. "Rest assured that my light can shine in such darkness, even this big."

"You... you never said that before." Stants added. "And even so, I still keep my faith in you. Go for it, Lahmph!"

Lahmph, knowing what to do, lit herself up. It did not work at first, but she lit herself up more and more, and slowly, little by little... The darkness within the dream dispersed, little by little. That darkness surrounding that Mixel was gone.

The Mixel was in awe, they had never witnessed such darkness dispersed from them. Lahmph-Stants could only stare in silence, as Lahmph caught her breath, and after a while, the two walked towards the unknown Mixel.

"Don't worry about the darkness now, we're here to help." The duo said in harmony, they were perfectly synchronized. "I... I have no words. Thank you, you two." said the unknown Mixel.

"Let's put you to rest, I'll always be your light. If you ever need me, our light is always there for you." Stants said, before the duo sat down and watched over the Mixel sleep in peace. Another nightmare gone, and more lights spread. A nightmare, turned into a dream.

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