Chapter 5

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Two months later

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Two months later.

"Rosie, darling... have you seen my phone?"

Jennie and Rosé were getting ready to meet Alice for lunch.

This had been planned weeks in advance. Alice had called to let Rosé know she'd be visiting for a few days, and of course, Rosé told her about Jennie. Alice proceeded to interrogate her sister, and Jennie was there to hear the entire conversation since Rosé had the call on speaker.

"How long has this been going on?" Alice asked.

"A couple of months."

"Are you serious? Have we drifted apart that much that I don't hear about you dating someone until months later? That stings a little, Rosé. You used to tell me everything. We used to talk every single day when you first got to New York. Now I'm lucky if I hear from you every  couple of weeks..." Alice sounded somewhere between hurt and annoyed.


"No, Rosé. You know it's true."

"I'm sorry. Really. Let me make it up to you. We'll have so much fun when you get here. I even asked for the days off. And you're going to love Jennie."

Rosé went ahead and made plans with her sister for the three days she was going to be in New York. On the first day, Alice would go with them to the diner. Then they'd show Alice the city and take her to see a Broadway show. The second day was supposed to be filled with trips to art galleries and museums. And the third and final day would be spent in Jennie's penthouse. Jennie had arranged a brunch with her friends, as per Rosé's insistence—Rosé thought Alice would get along with Jennie's friends. Later on, they decided to also invite Rosé's friends, Jimin and Yeji, and Hyunjin. Jennie had yet to meet Hyunjin, but from what she'd heard, he was a very interesting character.

Jennie was nervous to meet Rosé's sister. Her previous relationships never got far enough to meet the family, as one would say. She never even met Vera's parents, and their relationship was pretty long-term. But that was mainly because she was young when she met Vera, seventeen to be exact, and Vera had been ten years older. Come to think of it, Vera had completely taken advantage of Jennie's innocence at the time. She took her virginity, her heart, and the years that Jennie was supposed to be finding herself. Instead, the last of her teenage years were spent worshipping and chasing Vera like a slave does its master. It was no wonder that Jennie spent the better half of her early twenties trying to figure out who the fuck she was without Vera.

But all that didn't matter anymore. What mattered now was her very real relationship with Rosé, one she wasn't willing to risk losing. Jennie would do anything in her power to make this work, which is why she shoved her nerves aside and offered to drive Rosé to the airport to pick Alice up.

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