Ship reck.

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Rain poured, driving the boat every which way. Lighting and thunder roared the waves were almaot louder than the thunder itself. YN held on to the wheel in hopes it would help. But when he looked up, there was a wave ready to smash his boat to pieces.

Everything went black.

YN felt cold. Weak. Tired.

YN felt a something warm, he jolted up in fear.

YN looked around confused. He was inside a small room on a bed made for one. There was a rusty old robot that looked like he hadn't been tended to in years. He noticed YN and smiled, 'Awake!' he mouthed. he didn't seem to have a voice box either. That or it was damaged.

YN looked at him confused,
"where?..Where am I? Am i dead?" he asked. The robot looked at him confused shaking his head,
"Yo-ur a-liv." his voice was glitched and broken. His voice box was definitely damaged. YN looked at the robot,
"Did me?" he asked, the robot nodded.
YN stared at him for a moment then smiled. "Thank you." the robot looked surprised but smiled sweetly looking down. "H-here! If you have tools and some parts I bet I could fix your voice box! To repay you," YN explained. YN wasn't an expert on robotics but he tinkered with toys, even made a few small inventions. So he knew a few things about voice boxes at the least.

YN tried to stand but his legs trembled, the robot ran over and sat down YN gently shaking his head no. Then he ran off grabbed a tool box and some parts.

He smiled offering the tools and parts to YN. YN smiled, "okay! Where is your voice box located?" he asked. The robot opened his chest to reveal lots of parts, all made out of spare parts. The robot pointed to a piece pretty damaged but fixable. The one thing that made YN feel a bit uneasy is the voice box looked like it had been punched, or maybe someone tried to rip it out but we're too weak so instead they crushed it?

YN shook their head and reached for some tools and parts and started. After about half an hour,
"Okay try speaking!"
"What do I say?" he asked, YN smirked and he realized.
"Nice Job me! Haha!"
"Ye-yes! very nice job! Thank you!" he said grabbing YN's hands in a sign of thankfulness. YN smiled,
"Of course! You saved my life." The robot smiled. "Hey if you want, I could even change it up a bit. Make your voice deeper, higher, maybe a different accent if you want?" YN offered. The robot thought about it,
"Could you make it not too different but a bit different. I should like a perfect copy fathers old invention." he asked almost bitterly.
"Oh yeah no problem," he said getting back to work. "Tryyy...that!" YN said only after 5 minutes of work.
"Try that?" he asked, his voice was a tad deeper, a little raspy, and just a tad of a big city kind of accent.

(Idk try to imagine it I just tried to think of something about different but not too different ig?)

He looked surprised,
"like it? or should I change something?"
"It's great!" he said happily. YN laughed,
"My pleasure. You saved my life after all."
"It's my duty to protect those who cannot the moment could not protect themselves," He said proudly.

YN laughed,
"Well you've got that down. Hey, what's your name by the way? You never told me," YN asked.
"Oh my father called me Zane..then echo Zane, Then nothing at all but 'hey you' and such. So I am not sure." he explained. YN knew the name Zane. He was one of the ninja! It made sense they could be twins!
YN looked at him, he was sad but his fist clenched like he was angry. YN looked at the robot with soft eyes as he connected dots.

Rusty robot, abandoned light house, damaged voice box, the bitter tone and body language when YN mentioned Zane...

"We-were you abandoned?" YN asked. He looked at YN with surprise then he looked down nodding. YN closed the robot's chest and hugged him,
"How about Echo? That has a nice ring to it don't ya think?" YN asked now holding the robot by the shoulders. He thought about it,
"Yes, I like that. I am Echo, nice to meet you.."
"YN, YN LN."
"Echo Julien, nice to meet you YN LN." The two smiled at eachother happily with a touch of excitement as a new friendship began to form.


(congratulations you just read 792 words!)

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