глава 27: hayloft 2- mother mother

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Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?
One got shot and the other got lost in
Drugs and punks and blood on the street
Blood, blood on her knees
Bloody history (yeah)

Whatever happened to the hayloft?
Burnt to the ground, and what about Pop?
He took his ass back to the crack shack
With his long johns on, singing that old song

My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom

An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg
A shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak
She really didn't wanna make it messy
She really, really didn't, but the girl gone cray

My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom

She crucify (she crucify)
She crucify (she crucify)
Hey Pop, you die, you die

My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom
My baby's got a gun my baby's got a gun

My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom

My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, ga-ga-ga-ga

She's not a bad kid
She's not a bad kid
But she had to do it
She had to do it
They're not a bad kid
But they had to do it
They couldn't not
They had to face off

She's not a bad kid
But they had to do it
She had to crack
She had to kill Pop

В этой песне 2 части просто.  И да, вторая часть это моя любимая песня

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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