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Sorry for the very very late update but now I will try to update continuously.😅😅

"No , i am not going to marry her." Y/n Said.

"What's the reason?" Ryujin's mom asked.

"I think marriage is not a simple thing. It's mean that I have to spend my life with that person but i don't even know her ." Y/n Said

"Ok , then the final decision is no . I will tell Mina about it ." Ryujin's father said

Next day

Mina POV
I was doing my work when someone knock on the door.

"Come in." I shouted

"Good evening Ms Myoui." Mr Shin said.

"Good evening Mr Shin." I respond

"Please sit." I said

Mr Shin just smiled at me and sat down.

"Well , I'm here to tell you about Y/n decision."

"Oh! You talked with her . What she said?" I asked him.

"Hmm , her decision is No." Mr Shin said.

She said " Marriage is a thing in which she had to live with a person forever and she didn't even know you . "Mr Shin continued

"It's ok sir . I understand that." I said while smile a little.

"Before I leave, i want to tell you that I'm supporting you . I already liked you for our Y/n . If you need any help in this matter come to me." Mr Shin said and smiled.

"Now I take my leave . Have a good day. "Mr Shin said

"You too Sir . "I said .

After Mr Shin leave , I'm thinking about how to convince Y/n , i love her and don't want to lose her . Then i remember she is a student in our college. I smirked when an idea popped into my head . I called my secretary and tell her to inform our college branch in Seoul that I'll go there Tomorrow for inspection.
I went back to my work.


"You have to do it properly or you will be punished at school. "

"I know oppa and I'm trying to do it correctly. "A little girl said.

I was walking to home after college, i was alone because I want to . There we as a park on the way so, i decided to sat there for sometime . I was enjoying the fresh air when a little girl came to me with some papers in her hands.

"Oppa can you help me with this math problem, i can't solved it." She said while pouting.

"I'll help you but I'm a girl so , you shouldn't call me oppa ." I said.( With her usual plain tone)

"But you look so handsome to be a girl. It's not my fault though that you are so handsome , so I'll call you oppa . "She said

"Fine, what's your name?" I asked

"Kim Minju. "She said

I just nodded at her and took the paper fome her hand with only two fingers of my hand ( don't like to touch people)

I show her how to do it but she was still doing wrong.

Flashback end

"You have to do it properly or you will be punished at the school." I said .

"I know oppa and I'm trying to do it correctly. "She said.

After trying many times she finally got it. She jumped happily and hugged me.

"Thank you oppa for helping me. "She said while hugging me while I was stiff, i was trying to remove hr grip and was successful.

"It's ok." I said while standing up .

"You should go to home it's getting late. "I said.

"Ok bye oppa." She said and ran away.

While I start to walk to home. I reached at home after walking for about 15 min. I opened the door and greeted by yeji and Ryujin.

"Oh!  you came . Why so late?" Yeji asked me.

As I was about to answer her Ryujin cut me off.

"Are you serious? It's only 6'o clock. "She said savagely.

"Just shut up . Y/n was you in the park that is on our home way ?" Yeji asked.

"Yes , i was there then a little girl came to me for some maths Problem tha she can't solve it so I helped her . "I said .

"Ohhh! Okay go to your room and freshen yourself." Yeji Said.

"Ok ." I said and go to my room. I take a shower and go downstairs for dinner. I saw Ryujin watching TV and yeji was in the kitchen. I sat beside Ryujin. After sometime yeji called us for dinner .

We were eating silently when yeji said

"Did you guys hear about that  Mina is coming at our college for inspection."

"Mina you mean as Myoui Mina? "Ryujin asked.

"Yeah. "Yeji Said.

"I'm pretty sure she is coming for Y/n ." Ryujin said teasingly.

"Yeji said she is coming for inspection then why you think that she's coming for me . "I asked her .

She just rolled her eyes at me .

"Hey , don't do that. "Yeji Said while glaring at her .

"Fineeee. "Ryujin said.

"But i am also thinking that she is coming for you Y/n . I think she made some type of plan to get you." Yeji Said while thinking deeply.

"Y/n if she try to do something that make you uncomfortable just tell me ok ,i will teach her some lesson." Ryujin Said while punching in the air .

I just nodd at her .

"In your dreams pabo, she is more powerful than you , you can't even touch her ." Yeji Said and rolled her eyes.

"You just shut up. Yo don't know anything about me . "Ryujin said glaring at her.

"Yeah , you are the great Ryujin who get slapped by a 8 year old girl."
Yeji Said while controlling her laugh.

"You!!!! "Ryujin said and hit yeji in her arms that make the food yeji holding slipped into her shirt.

"You fucking bastard. How dare you to ruin my shirt." Yeji shouted.

Ryujin start running for her life while yeji was running behind her with a knife 🤣.

I just watched them while eating my food. My mind drifted to the Mina who was coming to our college.

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