🍂Anuj Samar🍂

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In a big mention
A boy was sitting and listening his mother scolding.

Lady:- how many times I said you to behave nicely infront to guest but no you decided that you will never understand my words

Boy:- but mumma I didn't

Lady:- don't lie I know you from the day when you come in my life

Boy:- sorryyyyy

Lady:- like your buddy say sorry with cute puppy eyes you and I am melt

Boy smile

Lady:- but this time it won't happen

Boy pout

Whatt happen

"Anuj buddy"

Kiya hua Samar why she is scolding you

Lady:- Anuj you don't interfere

Anuj:- but Anu..

The man is Anuj and the lady is Anupama and the Boy is Samar

It's been 1 month of MaAn marriage. From the day when Samar told Anupama to move on he also start moving. He didn't listen his mind he just listen to his heart the heart who tells him that for him Anuj and Anupama was his family...

After 2 days of MaAn marriage Samar Said that he wants to stay with Anupama and Anuj.. as a family. Samar like Anuj very much he respect Anuj, his decision he loves Anuj but didn't tell him that he loves Anuj alot more than his family..

Samar born in shah house and stay with them from past 25 years that's why he knows that Vanraj, Baa, Paritosh, Pakhi will never being good bcz they didn't try Samar loves her mother alot from many years he see her mother humiliation her tears her pain which make him breakdown he loves Anupama more than anything can do anything for her

he knows that his Anuj buddy always took care of her mother give her respect, care and so much love but his heart knows what he wants actually he don't want to stay with shah bcz of their regular drama he didn't want to become like his father Vanraj Shah when his mother was there he always try to become like her good son but vanraj never understand his own son he didn't understand his love his dreams Samar doesn't want to call him father he can't accept a man like him in his life who humiliate his mother infront of her.

He always be with her mother and wants to stay with her mother he request Anuj and he was ready with his decision Anuj feel happy when Samar says that he wants to stay with him and Anupama Samar ask permission from bapuji and he agreed bcz he also want his lovely grandson to become like Anuj a god man not like vanraj a bad man he wants Samar happiness that's why he agreed with his decision from past 1 month after maan marriage Samar stays with MaAn...

Samar:- Anuj buddy see na mummy scolding me

Anupama:- Haan I love to scold u I love to get angry whatt u did Anuj our neighbour comes and he throw tea on her clothes

Anuj:- anu it's okay na He didn't do it intentionally

Anupama:- always talking your buddy side never listen to me

Anuj:- accha I will give me punishment promise

Anupama:- promise

Anuj Nod anu goes give a glare to Samar

Anuj fold his hand and look at him..

Anuj:- your punishment go to kitchen and make a Maggie for me

Samar look at him Anuj going to his room

Anuj:- buddy

Samar look at him

Anuj:- if mumma ask what punishment I give u then say her..
"I tell u to make food" don't tell which if she ask say her that mumma u only ask one question.

Samar Nod

Anuj:- or next time don't throw tea on someone.. it's a waste of milk,sugar and tea leaves

Samar Nod with sad face

Anuj:- next time throw a bucket of dark color water

Samar chuckled and tumbs up

Anuj:- go and make Maggie for both of us.

He goes Samar also smile and leave to kitchen

Hope you'll like the chapter

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