Chapter 1

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Tuesday, 09.01

As always, the traffic in the morning was horrible. Dahyun tapped the steering wheel in annoyance because she knew that she could't be late for her first day at the Incheon-Hope Hospital. No matter what channel she chose on the radio, it never suited her taste. She blew out an angry breath and turned the radio off.

After what felt like an eternity, the cars infront of her started to move again. Perhaps she might arrive on time.

When she continued driving, she only thought of one thing: Please let there be no more red lights.


Once she reached the parking lot, there was barely any space for her car. If only she had bought a smaller car. It was time to change that tin box to a better one. Dahyun looked for all the things she needed: Acceptance letter? Check; Car- and Housekeys? Check; Phone? Check; Things she didn't use but carried with her "just in case"? Check. She threw her black bag over her right shoulder and looked at her watch. 7:20 am. Ten minutes left. She locked the door of her car and ran as fast as she could into the huge building.

With wide steps she walked to the reception. The woman sitting there smiled at her. "How can I help you?", she asked. Dahyun put her bag down and rummaged for the letter. She felt the redness creeping into her cheeks. Where was this damn thing?

"Here you go. I would like to speak Doctor Kang.", Dahyun said relieved. "On the third floor. You can't overlook his office. Good luck on your first day.", the receptionist soothed. Dahyun murmured a quick thanks, bowed swiftly and stuffed the acceptance letter into her bag. 

The moment the young woman arrived at the elevators, she knew that she would be to late if she took them. The people squeezed each other infront of the three elevators in this area. Thus, Dahyun clasped the bag to her chest and started running up the deserted stairs.

When she arrived at the third floor, Dahyun was out of breath. She rested her hands on her knees, desperately trying to catch her breath and looked at her watch again. 5 minutes left. That's enough time to find the office and hopefully to stop sweating. Maybe she should've let herself some time, but now it's too late.

With a racing heart Dahyun looked for the office of Doctor Kang. It was as easy to find as the receptionist lady made it out to be. She knocked at the door and waited. Dayhun rubbed her damp hands on her shirt before the door was opened by a man in his forties. He looked tired from his work and his short hair was a bit messy. "Good morning. You must be Kim Dahyun, right? Come in."

There was another man in the office. Dahyun guessed him to be around her age. He had flaming red hair and freckles. Unlikely korean, she thought to herself. "Please sit down. Since you have already worked as a nurse before, I don't think that I know many things you aren't already aware of." He pointed at the other man. "However, I will give you someone that will lead you in your first weeks of working here. Since it's not a small hospital, you might get lost. Obviously we don't want that to happen." The younger man turned to her and reached out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Greyson or Mister Clay. Whatever you prefer." Greyson had a cute bunny smile and seemed like a ball of joy. "I'm Kim Dahyun. The pleasure is all mine. You can just call me Dahyun."

Together they left the office. "First of all, I will lead you to the changing rooms.", Greyson announced as they went down the stairs again. "You're not korean, are you?", Dahyun asked, immediately regretting her curiosity. Greyson was already used to this question and answered without hesitating. "Well, originally I'm from the US. My mother was french, but they settled in the US before my birth." "Have you ever been to France? It's one of my top countries I want to visit.", Dahyun asked. "A couple of times. Every time I'm there I wonder why they went away. It's beautiful there. Unfortunately I barely know any french... Here we are."

"The uniform is in your locker. At least it should be. Here's your key." She took it with a thankful nod and looked at the number written on the keychain. 142. She had to smile at Greyson. He was adorable. Except someone showering, the room was completely empty.

Greyson was right. The mintgreen uniform lay carefully folded inside the locker. Quickly Dahyun changed her clothes and put her phone into the locker, along with her previous clothes. She attached her ID card on the shirt and left the room


Outside, the young man patiently waited for Dahyun, showing her a thumbs up as he started walking. "I'd say we should go to a patient right away, if that's ok with you." Greysons eyes darted over the clipboard he carried. "First we have a vaccination for a girl called Min Yubin. Her parents said that she's scared of needles. I will try to calm her and you do the vaccination, how does that sound?" Dahyun nodded. Vaccinations were one of the least hard things to do. "Ok, follow me then."

When they arrived in the room, the girl sat on the lap of her mother. Scared, she buried her face in the stomach of the woman. "Hey little one!", Greyson cheered and crouched down. "What's your name?" Dayhun went to get the needle and the vaccine. Fortunately the girls back was turned to that part of the room. She took the tetanus vaccine and pulled it into the needle. Carefully she crouched next to Yubin. The girl didn't even seem to realize she was there. Yubin was completely under the spell of Greyson. "We're done.", Dahyun informed. "Whaaaaaat?", the girl asked baffeled. "Yes, we are.", Dahyun smiled and put a band aid on the upper arm. "Put a bit pressure on it for a short time. You're all set to go now!" "Thank you for everything.", the mother said and took her daughter out of the room.

"Good job", Greyson congratulated and offered a high five. Dahyun took the offer and smiled. "It's not exactly the first time I dealed with a vaccination." "You still did a good job. Our next stop is a woman called Kang Minju. She broke her arm and it needs a new wrapping." She nodded and followed Greyson.


Thank you so much for reading. Took a bit longer than expected. Sorry for that. If you have any criticism or ideas, tell me in the comments. Maybe leave a vote if you liked it. I don't know how long I will take to translate the next chapter

Until then mooncakes

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