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I now have a free period so I decide to go out to the back of the school to have a smoke. Don't go all smoking is bad for you, you're gonna die from that on me. Quite frankly I couldn't care less.

I hear footsteps and try to put the fag out as soon as possible. "Um Demi. What are you doing out here and especially with that?" He asks pointing to the fag in my hand. Shit what do I say! "I'm on my free Valderrama." I say confidently. He sighs, "you shouldn't be smoking hermosa, I should send you to the principle or call your mum but I won't." He says.

Wait hermosa, what? I give him a confused look, "what does hermosa mean?" I say. He laughs and smiles. "Maybe you should pay more attention in class Dems." He tells me. He called me Dems, oh my fuck, my heart just melted. Oh god not again! I need to stop. "Wait Wait. You called me Dems. I think I should get to call you something other than Mr Valderrama." I say grinning. He chuckles slightly, "You can call me Wilmer. That's my name. But only when we are on our own." He says. Ooh Wilmer. I like it. "So you are saying we are going to be spending more time together?" I say smirking. "Well yes because I'm not calling your mom or the principle you have detention after school with me. Now you have a double with me so how about you come back with me just now to save you getting into anymore trouble?" He says smiling. Okay maybe I was wrong about what Rose said. He is really hot. "I'd like that." I say smiling.


Demi looked really beautiful today. Hold up I can't say that I'm her teacher, it's wrong.

We were talking about random stuff in the classroom. She's sitting on the desk but she moves her arm up to sort her hair and that's when I see something. Little red lines across her wrist. No it can't be.

I walk over to her and pull her arm closer to me and that's when I see them all. Demi has been hurting herself. "Dems why are you doing this to yourself?" I ask her worryingly. She looks down, "it helps Wilmer." She says. I walk closer to her and put two fingers underneath her chin, making her look at me. "Yesterday if you didn't notice I put my number into your phone. Call me whenever you feel any urges okay?" I tel her. She nods smiling at me.

We both start leaning in and I could swear it was going to happen. We were now just centimeters apart. Then we were interrupted by the bell and Demi jumped back as students started piling into the the classroom.

I smile at Demi before going to the front of the class to teach the lesson.


Oh My Fuck! I almost kissed my fucking teacher. He probably thinks I'm crazy and he's never going to speak to me again. I see him smile at me from the corner of my eye as he is teaching. "So in the book James calls Lucia 'hermosa' can anyone tell me what it means?" Wilmer asks the class. "Does it mean beautiful Sir?" Rose asks. Wilmer nods, "yes it does well done." He says.

Oh my god he called me beautiful. I turn in my seat slightly and cover my face so he can't see me smiling. I can see him slightly looking over me smirking, obviously not being noticeable to the class.


The end of the day finally arrives and I make my way to Mr Valderrama's classroom for my detention. Yay! I sit down on a seat and wait for other people to arrive but nobody ever does. Only one person but she got to leave after 10 minutes. Not fair. "So it's just me and you now," I say awkwardly, twiddling my thumbs. He nods and smiles at me.

"Demi I wish you didn't feel the need to hurt yourself, you are such an amazing person and I don't see why anyone would ever feel the need to be mean to you." He tells me. Why does her care so much anyway? I blush and look down to the ground.

"So hermosa means beautiful." I say smirking. "You think I'm beautiful?" I ask him. "Of course I do and I know that your friends made you change this morning, I saw you walk in with your jeans on." He tells me. I shrug my shoulders, "whatever. I don't even feel like a real friend to them sometimes, just someone who they talk to out of pity." I tel him.

He starts walking over to me, sitting down on the desk, "well consider me as your friend, I may have only known you for a day and I am your teacher but from what I can tell you are a wonderful person who pretends to be some cold hearted bitch so you won't get hurt. Am I right?" He asks and I just nod. I hate getting hurt but I don't really have a choice.

"Well your time is up do you need a ride home or are you okay?" He asks. Why would he want to give me a ride? Is that even allowed? Well I almost kissed him so it's nothing compared to that. "I can walk." I reply, well technically I can't because I live nowhere near the school and it would take about an hour on foot. He doesn't look very convinced, "are you sure how long does it take to walk?" He asks. I decide to just tell him the truth, "about an hour." I say gulping down the lump in my throat. "He walks to his desk and grabs his keys, "follow me." He says leading me out to the car.

The drive to my house was silent but we eventually get there. "I'll see you Monday Dems." He says before I get out. I nod before getting out and walking up towards my house.

*2 weeks later*

I walk up to my house after school and I see someone I never thought I'd see again.

"Demetria you're home come to papa." He says, his voice slurring. Yep I was right he's drunk. "Leave me alone Patrick!" I shout at him.

I've never really gotten on with my father. You see he was abusive and always came home drunk. My mom finally managed to leave him and she met this amazing man named Eddie, who I call dad because he is more of a father to me than that man will ever be.

"You will not speak to me that way." He says coming over and slapping me over the face and pushing me to the ground. Okay I did not deserve that. That's when I got up from the hard concrete floor and started running.

Not even knowing where I was going. I was drenched from running so far so I decided to stop on the bench closest to me.

I hear faint sounds of a car pulling up and then a man's voice shouting my name. I look up to see Wilmer in his car a worried look plastered on his face. He gets out the car and runs towards me wrapping his arms around me. I fall limp in his arms almost immediately.

"Lets get you somewhere warm." He says placing me in the car and putting my seat belt on for me as I was too cold to do it myself.


We finally arrive at some apartment buildings and Wilmer gets out, comes round to the passenger side and helps me out.

"Just take a seat anywhere Demi." He tells me as we get into the cozy apartment. "Thank you for this." I tell Wilmer looking up to smile at him. "Its okay, anytime yeah?" He says and I nod. Wilmer and I had become great friends over the last couple of weeks.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, "Thank you for everything these past weeks, it means so much." I tell him as we hug. He lifts my chin up as he always does, making me look him in the eye. "I'd do anything for you Dems." He tells me smiling down at me.

And then it happens. We both start leaning in and eventually our lips touch. Sparks fly everywhere. Once we've pulled away I smile up at him, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." We say in sync and laugh at each other.

"Okay so where am I sleeping?" I ask him breaking the silence.

"You can have my bed and I will take the sofa."He tells me.

"I can't let you do that. Just sleep on the bed with me, I need someone to cuddle tonight." I say smiling.

"Okay fine come on then." He says sweeping me up into his arms and running to the bedroom.

"Ahhh Wilmer put me down." I scream in a fit of laughter.

"Okay," he says, smirking at me before dropping me onto the bed.

Mr Valderrama | DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now