Chapter Two

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My phone buzzes in my back pocket, I pull it out and see Sarah's text telling me to bring sunscreen since she forgot hers at home. I tell her she's lucky I've remembered mine because I've already left and am on my way to the beach. Putting my phone back, I pedal faster and try to avoid any major bumps on the road since my bag is full and anything could fall out at any second.

Once I arrive I lock up my bike to a nearby pole and soon after find Sarah and Andrea in the distance, sitting on a picnic blanket and sharing grapes. Sarah quickly spots me and waves, making Andrea turn her head towards me as well and greet me with a wide smile. I smile back and quicken my pace.

"Helloo!" Sarah beams as soon as I've sat down. "We were wondering when you were going to show."

"I may have overslept a teensy bit," I giggle and pull my shoes off. "What have you two been talking about?"

"Different celebrities' flop eras," Andrea replies and states in a matter-of-fact way that it's an incredibly important discussion. "Also please have some grapes!"

I nod and break off a small twig. I mostly just listen to their opinions as I'm not too read up on the world of celebrities, and take some note of their least and most favorite actors and artists.

When the grapes are finished we decide to head down to the water. There aren't many people around and we can see our things clearly from the water so there's no worry that someone will steal something.

I have my bathing suit underneath my clothes, as does Sarah. Andrea instead uses her shirt and long skirt as a cover for when she changes. When she eventually slips out of them a small striped bikini is revealed. The grayish-blue color compliments her tanned skin and the high rise cut shows off her wider hips. Her collarbones are prominent, as are several small birthmarks scattered throughout her skin. I quickly divert my eyes to the ground.

"Last one in the water," Sarah pauses and looks at us with a mischievous glimpse in her eyes, "has to give their number to a stranger!"

Just a second later she starts rushing toward the waves, leaving small footprints in the sand. I quickly glance at Andrea and notice her confused expression. No doubt she's wondering how serious this could all be. From my experience, theres nothing Sarah is more committed to. I frantically run after Sarah and feel the cold water soon after.


When I first stepped into the sea I wanted to return as soon as possible to warm land, though now the air seems evermore chilling. We've swam around, tried to splash each other whilst attempting to avoid one another's efforts, and chatted about summer and school. As for now we're all huddled up in our towels with wet hair sticking to our goosebump covered bodies. Sarah brought a speaker with her and is shuffling through her playlists while Andrea combs through her hair with her hands. Twirling pieces with her finger and parting it at the middle, strands form her face and light bounces off her curl pattern.

I take a deep breath of air and face the sky, closing my eyelids creating an orange canvas where I imagine spending every day like this. A blue shadow is cast, I face the arm raised above my face and meet her eyes.

"What do you think 12th year will be like?" Andrea holds eye contact while I turn to my side.

"No doubt more parties," Sarah chuckles and I know that's the part she's excited about.

"I just hope Mr. Hendricks starts treating us more like adults," I manifest, "I'm so sick of the mansplaining and basic life lessons."

"Yeah but Paul still really needs those reminders to 'treat everyone like you want to be treated'," Andrea jokes, "or maybe he gets all mature this summer."

We laugh at the idea. He hasn't changed in years. Some people never do.

"So, Andrea," Sarah pauses and gives a mischievous smile, "you were the last one in the water." Her statement with such teasing tone doesn't need further details, Andrea soon roles her eyes and tries to dismiss it but Sarah points out a guy walking along the shore. "Come on! It's just for fun!"

While Andrea looks bashfully away Sarah laughs and tugs at her arm. When Andrea slowly starts rising from our blanket laid out I too sit up, getting a better view of what's about to unfold. She squints her eyes at us before turning on her heel and then walks shyly over to the guy. He seems to be about our age, perhaps a year older, with dirt blonde hair and broad shoulders. I start doubting he is even Andreas type, but I realize I actually don't have a clue what she fancies.

I watch as she waves him over and he meets her half way with a friendly smile. Her back is towards me, but my view of him tells me it's going well as he shakes her hand and his cheeks get a light shade of red after a moment or two. Sarah scoots next to me and drapes her arm around my shoulder, watching with glee. I feel some form of emptiness wash over me. The sun doesn't feel as pleasant as before. The kind warmth has turned into a sickly sweat. Time seemed to have slowed down, yet minutes must have passed since I've now seen the guy tap away on his phone and Andrea is heading back to us.

She simply replies with a small giggle and shrug to Sarah's question about how it went. The emptiness inside me somehow grew while I plastered on a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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