Chapter 2

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      Sat on a building long past curfew was three Boys one sat beautifully playing a flute, one playing a lighter tune with a vertical flute, the third play the Quqin seeing as the morning come will be the arrival of deciples to study the three needed time to relax before the time came .

Cutting the sound of the music, a voice called for the three Boys announcing its time to return to their Chambers though two listened and decended the building the third simply ignored the voice continuing to play the music.

"Ying, please, it's time to sleep," the voice called out as the other two disappeared into their respected chambers.

"Mother please go to bed I'll return shortly, after all if I want to see father i'll need to sleep soon" He had ignored the pained expression crossing his mothers face in favor of the night sky, See he may love his mother slightly more then years before but he still preferred his father above all else, Seeing as he only responded to his mother when necessary but not coldly like he had before, gentle warmth held in his words but said words could cut deeper then any knife, could hurt more then any wound.

He listened silently as his mother disappeared into his Chambers, leaning into the new body that joined him on the roof. "Hey Ning, you think Father misses me?"  His question only received a gentle chuckle "Ying you're all he asked about in the letters he sends, I'm sure he misses you as much as you him" Wen Ning smiled as Wen Ying pulled his legs against his chest in truth he knew the boy loved his mother but he also knew the boy gravely missed his Father and brothers.

"Let's go to our chambers Young Master Wen" Wen Ning stood extending his hand towards the other boy on the roof, Wen wuxian sighs gently before he takes the others hand standing up giving a soft smile towards the corpse who had flinched at the coldness of his masters hand.

The two boys held hands as they jumped from the roof, landing almost majestically. As they let go of each other's hands, Wen Ning fixed his masters thic outer robes pulling it onto his shoulders. "Good night, Young master" he smiled before leaving his master in the night

Wen Wuxian sighed softly as he looked up once more at the night sky. "Let tomorrow bring relief," he mumbled before he himself decended to his chambers for the night.

~At the entrance of gusu lan clan~

Deciples accended the stairs of different reactions to seeing the twin jades standing (almost protectively) beside someone with a mix of two sect colors showing.

"Welcome!" Came the first twin jades Gentle sweet voice, though his next words were interrupted by gasps before they could even leave his mouth.

Wen Ning had walked up past them, and four other corpses followed his lead as he kneeled in front of the Unnamed man between the twin jades.  "Young Master your father is here." Wen Ning had looked up in time to see a breath taking smile cross his masters lips just as Wen Ruohan and his two sons came into view.

"Father!" The beautiful boy had called his voice ringing with excitement, but it was so smooth and gently most thought an angel had whispered in their ears.

Wen Ruohan smiled as he caught the boy in his arms "My young one I've missed you" he hadent had time to say any more before the boy was pulled from his grasp into the gentle arms of his brothers.

Wen Chao looked over his brother smiling at the disgust of being touched appeared across his brothers face, only Three people where aloud to touch him without his permission that being their father, Wen Ning, and Wen Qing

"Oh don't look so disgusted" "then don't touch" "Chao leave your brother be" a laugh erupted from the oldest of the three siblings as he heard the conversation his family was starting "please let's wait for this conversation for when were inside"

The three nod simultaneously turning and taking leave into Gusu followed by Wen Ning and four other corpses that seemed to follow the boys every move with or without words, The twins jades soon followed after leaving the other guest to the guards.

AN: I would like to apologize for this not being out when I'd said I'd had some personal things to have happened and I hadn't had time to post it.

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