Searching For A Nest

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Imogen, Merissa and Noah decide to go out and find more vampires just like Noah, and search for vampire nests. Imogen and Merissa need to practise their fighting for if their is any bad vampires that want to kill them. Every night in the woods, they go searching. Everyday they practise in their head quarters at the back of their houses. They have fighting studios and a gym that helps them become stronger than they already are. After weeks and weeks of practising and searching they come across a camp full of vampires.
Imogen and Merissa find their parents strapped up ready to be set in fire at the camp site. Imogen and Merissa are surrounded by vampires who are blood thirsty. The alpha of the nest sets their parents on fire. Their screams were loud and vigorus. Imogen pushes all her strength out of her and asks for a fight. She trusts that she's strong enough to fight them off with Noah's help. Merissa is stuck for words and she just stands there in a rigid position. They are so disappointed in themselves that their parents died knowing they betrayed them. They have to do them proud. Their urge to resist becomes weak and their practising pays off. They remember that they brought a stake each.
They fight off most of the vampires and kill them all except for two which survived. They weren't normal vampires they were hybrids. They decided to keep them in the cellars beneath their houses in the family chambers.

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