Chapter 13

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Aiden Prov:

I knew by the look on Rachel face,whatever it is she wanted to tell me was big,I could see her contemplating on what to say. I didn't rush her I waited until she was ready. She took a deep breath and started,'Aiden...I need to tell you about something concerning Chase'. My mind began racing. Was she fed up of Chase staying here? Couldn't be she seem very fun of Chase. Maybe he wasn't contributing financially to the house, was that it? No it couldn't be that,she knows about his financial situation. Did Chase do something wrong? He was acting strange today. All the these questions arose in my head.I needed to stop guessing and just listen to what she has too say."OK Rachel what is it?You know you can tell me anything.

"She took a deep breath and started again,'Chase saw us having sex last night'."He did! he was spying on us,that little piece of shit,don't worry babe,I will talk to him about it." I couldn't believe Chase could do something so stupid,me I personally didn't mind him watching if it was someone else but not Rachel,she wasn't used to that and the fact we were sitting here discussing it means that it upset her a lot,he should have know better atleast not to get caught.

'No Aid, its not that I already spoke to him about it,and honestly it didn't really bother me. Its what happen after that!'."Ok what exactly happened after that.'Well I kind of fantasize about us having sex......the three of us,it was after I caught him masturbating to us and he left.' "Or that's why you were so eager for a round two." 'Are you pissed?' "Nah not really!,but I am curious who was fucking who in this fantasy of your's,I joked ". By me just asking that question her face turned beet red. 'Well Chase was fucking both of us. Does me fantasizing about that makes you feel gross out or angry?' "No I get it. Chase is a really good looking guy,I will be lying if I say I didn't imagine Chase and I together, when I was discovering my sexuality. He was my bestfriend, I corrected myself is my bestfriend and we get each other and I love him to death,we would've made a pretty good couple if I was into guys.I did try to experiment with a guy before but that didn't reach pass one kiss,I felt gross out". 'But did you do anything with Chase?' "No. That wouldn't feel right, experimenting with him,by that time he had, had his heart broken a couple of times and I didn't want to add to his heart break. I knew he was in love with me around that time, I was trying to keep our relationship as platonic as possible. I didn't want to lead him on. What if I wasn't into him the way he was into me. I wouldn't be able to live with the fact that I hurt him like that,especially with everything he's been through. So I never tried with him or any other guy".

'Wow!Aiden,I didn't know that,but what about now are you willing to try now'."What do you mean I'm married to you and plus now is definitely not a good time to be experimenting with Chase considering he just lost the love of his life a year ago and besides what if I'm not into him and its weird and this ruined our friendship he would've lost not one but two of the most important people in his live right now you and I. I don't want that for him that's why any feelings I may or may not have for him is irrelevant". ' I understand that Aid but what if,you did try and you realize that you feel exactly the same way he feels about you and you live happily ever after'. "Babe what are you saying you want Chase and I to be together and what about you? where do you fit? Don't forget we are the ones who are married,it's you and I forever. Is it that you don't love me anymore,thats why you're shipping Chase and I off together? Or did you find someone else. I don't understand where all this talk is coming from".'Aid its nothing like that,you're my forever love Aid its just Chase and I had a long talk today and we kissed, before you say anything just listen. From the first day I met Chase there was an instant attraction,the same attraction I felt when I first laid eyes on you,I brushed it off not thinking about it to much. But over time it developed into more,the more I got to know him the more my feelings developed for him. Until last night happen,all I keep thinking about was how he looked at you,how much he wanted you. At first I was confused because he always flirted with me,but the way he was watching you had me second guessing myself. So today I confronted him and it turns out that he's not only in love with you but also with me. I wanted to talk to you about it first before I did anything stupid,but my body got the better of me and we made out in the parking lot of the mall,and in the garage and in the house and in his bedroom before I came to our room and I can't help it I love the way it feels kissing him and I promise thats all we did. I didn't want to make the mistake of going any further before telling you. I want to be with him and you. And Chase wants to be with both of us and I want that too.We can all be together,with the family we build and live happily ever'.

I took awhile to process everything she said."Babe,do you remember what we discussed years ago, that deal we made about if you were to fall in love with someone,that I will let you explore that relationship vice-versa? 'Yes of course'. "I meant that! Chase is the perfect person for you and you are perfect for him,I know you will never hurt him and you will be happy together  but I don't think it will work out with me and Chase." 'Aid of cause it can you just have to be willing to try'."Rachel you're not hearing me,I just don't want too try. I'm not willing to ruin my friendship with Chase,what we have works just fine, just the way it is and that's it end of discussion, I don't want to talk about it any longer. Babe I'm happy for you and Chase,I give you my blessings. Now you guys don't have to sneak around anymore and Chase doesn't have to feel guilty and act awkward around me.You can tell him tomorrow or tonight if he's still awake that I'm fine with you guys being in a relationship as long as he knows that our relationship comes first". 'Ok Aid,but I know you told me you don't want to discuss it anymore but I'm not going to give up on you guys, I know that it can work out between the two of you,so I'm just dropping it for now.' I nodded my head and sigh, this woman will be the death of me. She's lucky she has a really understanding and patient husband.

"OK before you talk to Chase let's lay down some ground rules. No kissing infront of the kids until we have a discussion with Aaron at least about your relationship with Chase,we don't want to traumatized our kids,Aaron is fairly old enough to understand he's a smart kid. No having sex on our bed. No sleeping over in Chase room overnight I want to wake up to see your beautiful face. You must be home every night to have dinner as a family with the kids and I. When you guys are going out please let me know so I will know how to organize our date nights and that way it will always have someone at home to stay with the kids. That's all I came up with for so far,if I think of anymore I'll let you know. Any objections?" 'No,those rules are reasonable,but what about in public am I allow to kiss Chase?' "Yes of course,you can go on dates and do whatever couples do,I don't really care about other people opinions, about our lives. Our private lives are no one's business,so you don't need to explain anything to anyone if you don't want to." 'What about your parents?'

"Don't worry about them I'll tell them when I'm ready. Anything else you want to ask?" 'No. But I just want to say I have the best husband in the world. Thank you Aid you make me so happy and I promise I'll never stop loving you! Honestly I taught you would have been really angry with the fact that of all the people in the world I chose your best friend to kind of fall in love with!?' "As I said before I wouldn't have it any other way I know you and him so well, I know for certain you were meant to be,just like you and I. If it didn't work out with you and I  when we first met I would've definitely hook you up with Chase,well if he wasn't married yet." She laughed.'One more thing Aid if this whole thing with me being with Chase thing becomes to much let me know and I'll try my very best to fix it.' "I know you will Babe. I know you will not let me feel left out or deserted". "I love you babe," 'And I love you more!' She lean over and pressed her lips to mine, what started as a slow kiss turned into a passionate kiss. That night we made love for the second time and fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.

Hey guys another chapter done as promised. You get to know Aiden a little more in this chapter,hope you liked it,bye guys. 👋👋👋

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