Chapter One

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(Zero's POV)

My body feels heavy, weighed down. I can't open my eyes, exhaustion coursing through my body. I feel like I could sleep forever.

Suddenly, I feel weightless, then I'm laying on something rough, kind of scratchy. I slowly open my eyes as a bright light shines above.

I see something bright above, I think it's called a sun. I'm laying on... concrete? Concrete. A sidewalk... where am I?

Where am I?

My head pounds, every sound is amplified.

I'm wearing something light, pale, that doesn't cover much. 

I try to stand, but fall immediately.

My ears ring, and something wet trickles out of my nose.

I touch it and look at it, red and shiny, blood.

I lay on the sidewalk for a couple minutes as I struggle to remember where I am.


Who am I?

Who am I?

My breathing shortens as I panic.

Zero... I know you can hear me....

"Who's, who's t-there?" I pant out quietly. I think they were talking to me.


That's my name.


"Who's there?" I say softly, still short of breath.

Zero! Stop ignoring me.

"I'm n-not ignoring y-you," I stutter out.

I feel a sharp pain in my side, as if someone kicked me.

I know you can hear me!

Another kick.

I know you can hear me! You dumbass. Zero! Pay attention.

I scramble away before whatever was hitting me hits me again.

Look at me! Zero!

The voice seems to be further away now.

I close my eyes for a couple seconds, and try to catch my breath.

When I open them, I see I'm in a different place, with a bag in my hands.

I open the bag, and see clothes and water bottles.


Too convenient.


However, I can't afford not to take the clothes and water.

I take off the weird thing I'm wearing and put on the... what's the name... underwear? Then the things that look like legs go in them, then I look at the other thing.

I think that goes on my chest?

My head goes through the big hole, right?


Does it?

I try putting it on, it fits.

I put my hands in the... pockets? Pockets.

I feel something weird and smooth in there.

I pull my hands out of the pockets while the hand that felt the smooth thing was holding it.

It's... paper I think it's called. It's folded.

I unfold it, and see a note scrawled on the paper.

My heart skips a beat.

Don't try to remember. You don't want to. 




I re-read the note over and over again.

I flip the paper over to see if there's anything on the back, and see two sentences.

Be careful.

If you hear them, don't listen to the shadows.

What are the shadows-

The thing that was talking to me.

Who gave me this?

Why don't they want me to remember?

Why can't I remember?

With shaking fingers, I put the note back in my pocket.

Breathing hard, I close my eyes and curl into a ball.

The ground starts shaking, then I feel that weightless sensation again. I open my eyes, and I'm in front of some building, 'Tom's Get Sporty.'

How did I get here?

My hands shake and my breath comes out in short pants. I see someone, and I bolt away.

I run into an, I think it's called an alley? Into an alley that's a few alleys away from the store, dark and shadowy.

I'm so... tired.

My eyes flutter closed as I fall to my knees, and curl into a ball.

Everything fades to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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