The Task

695 18 15

(Time skips will be shown by "...")

6:30 AM



Your hand collided with the snooze button on your alarm clock. You groggily open your eyes, one of which was burning like hell because it had never fully closed all the way when you fell out. You sit up in your bed, looking around your room, seeing the shirt and pants you wore yesterday strewn out on the floor.

You stretch out, joints popping, before stepping out of your warm bed into the cold air conditioning that your house provided. You pick up the shirt and pants off of the floor, tossing them into a nearby hamper before walking into the bathroom to pee.

After relieving yourself, you start brushing your teeth and your hair at the same time. You considered yourself quite good at multitasking.

You look at your shower and consider getting in, but at the moment you didn't smell bad (not like you weren't going to at least put on deodorant), and also it felt better getting the grime of the day off after working.

You turn on your faucet, spit out the toothpaste, and put down your brush. You give yourself a once over, and notice the stubble on your face. Shaving it was an option, but you didn't want to look too young.

You had turned twenty-nine on Friday, and you didn't really do too much for it. You weren't much of a celebratory person, so you just took the day off, ordered takeout from that good Chinese place, and just relaxed. To you, that was better than a birthday party.

But now, work calls. You work as the head event planner for Fringe Fashion, a high end fashion company in LA. The last one had stepped down about three years ago to be with family, so you took her place. The CEO had concerns about hiring a then twenty-six year old to handle large scale events, meetings, and other things, but you proved to be extremely efficient. Efficient to the point where you would get so much done in a day that maybe...just maybe, you got to go home a little early.

You step out of your bathroom and grab the remote control sitting on your nightstand, turning on the thirty-two inch flatscreen placed on a drawer. The news started playing while you put on deodorant and went to find your clothes for the day.

Unlike other offices, Fringe didn't have a strict dress code. There weren't any suits and ties or formal wear unless you wanted to. As long as it was presentable, it was fine. Luckily that meant you didn't have to really try most of these days when you needed to find something to wear.

The weather report said it was around sixty-five degrees, but would reach around seventy-two to five later in the day, with a low of around fifty-nine or sixty by nightfall. Weather like this was common, and usually just a T-shirt and jeans would suffice, so that's what you went for.

Reaching into your closet, you grab a burgundy T-shirt and a pair of black jeans, laying them on your bed, and settling on a pair of white sneakers to put on as well. As you put your clothes on, you keep watching the news, seeing what was going down.

Some scandal with a politician that everyone saw coming, a store was robbed at like two in the morning, and they found a missing five year old. She was alive, luckily.

Eventually you turn off the TV, since you had no use for it at the moment. You were all done getting ready, now you were just going to relax until you had to leave in...around thirty-five minutes.

You take your phone off of the charger and walk downstairs, passing the kitchen and taking a seat in your living room. You would eat breakfast, but you never had an appetite this early in the morning.

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