Chapter 2 - the planning.

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(Yet again all credit goes to the artist whom made this amazing art!)
No one's POV:

As soon as Pau got out of the infirmary, he went straight to his room. No one knows why he's always in his room, but he's constantly planning a plan to get to the Blue Leader's Base and start to become one of their soldiers. Pat knows nothing about this, but he knows that Pay (his brother) works for them. He has a plan and thinks that it will work, which may or may not fail according to anyone else.

Pau's plan is to use Pat as a cover for now and then escape at night, which is next week. Then he is planning to use the army's Helicopter to go to the base. He knows w well that this plan can be a result of a good ending of a bad ending. Either way Pau has no choice because he wants to protect his Dear Leader, Tord.

Pau's POV:

I'm stuck planning in my room, which sucks ass seeing that I love Pat and I want to stay with him at the moment. But Pat doesn't know this; he only knows that I'm his best buddy/friend and would do anything for him. (Which is true, Pau would,,)

But.. I don't think I'll have enough time..

(Time skip brought to you by pat's chicken wing hair.)

Pau got a phone call and to his surprise; it was the Blue Leader. Calling him because he needed him early. Pau said that he will try and escape tonight, if he isn't caught by then.

They have a long 2 hour conversation before hanging up. Pau packed all his cloths that he could fit into the duffel bag and went to go and try and escape at night. To his surprise, he seen barely any soldiers. The base was huge; and he needed to find the exit to the back alley way.

He knew this was gonna take long, so he had to be careful with every move that he takes through this base. He has to stay as quiet as possible because it's super easy to make a bunch of noise and wake up the whole base.

Soldiers never took kindly to being woken up, especially in the middle of the night. They don't care if your short, tall, young, old, or Handsome/beautiful, all they cared about was sleep at night. They could have you knocked down in seconds, wake the whole base up from their yelling, and get yourself a free ticket to the torture chamber. Which is no fun. So that's why Pau is trying to be as quiet as possible.

He was found by the leader, and dragged into his office. After he was dragged in, he started to get instant lectures.

Red Leader (Tord)'s POV:

I caught Pau trying to escape, so I grabbed him and put him into my office. I had to, he can't escape. Ever. My soldiers if they come here they never leave until they aren't needed. Pau, on the other hand, is needed. He's very well needed because he's one of my best men and I can't lose him just yet.

<red leaders is bold, Pau's is italic.>

' ' * why were you sneaking out. It looks like your trying to escape the base for some reason.' '

The leader stated as he waited for a response from Pau, whom never gave one. Tord's usual words were "speak now or forever hold your peace", which is a very commonly used phrase from him. The whole base knows it.

' ' * I wasn't sneaking out, I was going to wash my laundry because everyone else was hogging up the whole laundry Matt in the base again!' '

Pau said with a bit of attitude in his tone. He better know well that I do NOT take kindly to tones such as that one.

' ' * when your in my base, you can't escape. When you are a recruit, you stay a recruit. You don't leave until you are aloud to be dispatched.' '

I angrily state as Pau stared at me in anger. I stared back and easily won, growling at him.

' ' * BULLSHIT!!!' '

He yelled as he picked up his stuff and made a run for it, going to the alleyway door. But he was caught and brought to a tree and was postponed to it. He was tied to it and squirming around.

He will be there until his so called "lover" comes here and shoots him. pat will shoot him, I'll make it an order for him to do so. I know it sounds wrong but still. It's worth it to see someone such as this.. traitor... try to escape.




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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