Chapter one

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For most of my nineteen years on this earth, I've been having the same dream, the dream that I'd find the perfect man for me, marry him, grow old with him, all that corny romantic shit everyone hypes up so much.

And over the years this dream only became clearer and clearer and only fueled my excitement to when I finally found him..

And, after all these years, I am happy to announce that... drumroll please.. I found him! The boy of my dreams was in the same school as me and works in the video store! I was a fool that I never noticed him till recently, but after- how do I put this without sounding like a creep? Watching him. I found so many positives about him! 

I never realized how handsome he really was, and his looks really reflect his personality. Like- talk about a full package; he's got great hair (duh, he was literally dubbed 'The Hair' back in school), he's great with kids, he's confident, he's hilarious, he's everything I imagined in my dream! Like- come on, dude, its like to a T what I was imagining. He doesn't listen to metal or play D&D but that only means I can teach him my ways, culture him in a sense.

He's absolutely perfect..... which is why I shouldn't be surprised some girl is trying to steal him away from me.... This cookie cutter little blonde bitch is going to be going on a date with him to go to the championship game at the school, I must insure it goes wrong... I don't need to get violent, yet, but with just a teensy weensy little bit of sabotage I should ruin their budding relationship or at the very least make things awkward enough so that things won't progress.

But I clumsily planned the cult of Vecna on the same day of the game, that was stupid on my part to be honest, but I can just cancel, its not like I'm graduating right after spring break. I'd gladly move things around for him.

But, enough monologuing, good god, am I turning into some cartoon villain or some shit? Jesus.


The alarm woke me up and I was quick to turn it off, I hopped out of bed and quickly slipped on some pants that were laying on the floor. I also put on my jacket and vest before running out into the bathroom.

I grabbed the red toothbrush that I had stolen from Steve's house (yes, I went into his house once or twice, so what?) and used it to brush my teeth, god, I damn near moaned at the feeling of having something that was in his mouth in mine, this was surely borderline making out- right?

I finished taking an unusually long time brushing my teeth then bolted out the door with my backpack. I wanted to be early so I could sneak a peak of him at work, just thinking about it make the butterflies in my stomach flutter and the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I would be a little late to school but who gives a damn? I would drop out completely just to have more time to stalk- I mean watch Steve, but I mustn't, I have a club who needs me.

I turn the key to the car then set off to Family Video. I usually only came to get Rocky Horror but I've been coming in a lot more often lately.

When I got there I sneakily got out and waited around the corner of the store for his car to pull up. Finally I see the car pulling into the parking lot, and god, my whole world goes in slow motion, I can hear my own heart beating and I swear my vision is pink tinted (might need to go get that one checked out). As he's walking into the store I see him throw something away.

As soon as hes out of sight and my world turns back into regular speed I rush over to the trash can, I'm not a creep but I liked collecting things of his. I pull a red apple out of the trash that only has a few bite marks on it, judging by the teeth marks I could tell Steve had some chompers on him, I'm so jealous of that apple..

I quickly pulled out my tin lunch box and carefully set it inside, I had no plans on eating it but I needed a place to keep it before I brought it home. I got one more fleeting glance at him through the window before heading back to my car.

The car ride to school was filled of thoughts of him, hes all I can think about, every little detail about him only makes me daydream more. Man.. I'd love to have him shirtless so I couldn't spend hours counting all his adorable little freckles that peppered his golden tan skin. Geez, even the thought of him shirtless gives me a.... I don't really know what it gives me...

I finally arrived at school, Steve still in my mind, good god I'm going to need to start charging him with rent if he doesn't get out of my head soon. But I need to clear my head, I need to start thinking of how I can get rid of Heidi.. Yes, I am very very tempted to plunge a knife into her heart.. I must control myself, I don't need to get violent just yet. I just need to make sure their little date doesn't go so well.. But I need to get more information on this.

So I'll ask his bestfriend, a friend whos still at school in band; Robin Buckley. I walk around the lockers, everyone seems to still be putting their things away. I soon find her and run up next to her locker. "Hey, Buckley!" I greet, leaning against the neighboring locker, she looked taken aback to my sudden appearance. "Gotta' sec?" I ask, tilting my head slightly. "Oh uh.." Robin takes a quick glance around. "Yeah, sure, what is it?"

"You're friends with ole' Harrington, right?" I asked. "Yeah, of course, what about it?" She still seemed confused. "Great, sooo, you know anything about Heidi? I heard hes going on a date with her." I tried to hide my rage at the thought of that stank going out with him and I'm proud that I managed to conceal it so well, though my blinking and slight quiver in tone might have told on me a tad.

"Okay, I think I know what going on here.." She said. My heart slightly dropped at this, 'What if she knew? What if she knew about my crush?' "You've got a thing for Heidi and you think the big bad jock is going to steal her away from you. Well, I heard shes moving so tough luck for both of you." I almost sighed in relief, she didn't know, great, and Heidi doesn't seem like a big threat. "And plus I heard that Heidi has practically nothing in common with Stevie."

Robin said this as she closed her locker. "I actually don't have a crush on Heidi, but good guess." I said doing finger guns as I walked off "Thanks for the info though, good luck with band." She nodded "No problemo', and thanks."

I walked over to the auditorium against my better judgement, everyone was forced to go to this stupid pep rally where Jason Carver and the other people who partook in the balls and laundry baskets game where basically going to say anything to get everyone on board with the game. But as I sat down on the highest row, it only reminded me I had only a few hours till their little date and even though Buckley told me those facts I still don't want Harrington to make the wrong choice and grow attachment to her, I might give her some bad advice, I do know all Steve's likes and dislikes after all.

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