Infant actualy I dint know about anything but I try my best to get it all.Infant is almost like boy or girl at first month(you can indentify it if there is a penins or not), but in 6 or 7 month it will
start saying ha woh how and so hyper and it will start their firsts. at 1 yo.
The baby start to develop and now know how to crouch,and they will develop and develop until 2 yo..2yo. Is the year where the baby start to walk and balance cause times goes by anything changes.At 3 yo. It is starting serious at 3 yo the baby is now starting lying and know bad words and for them it so easy to memorise bad words instead of alphabet at 4 yo. It will start to go at school to educate and now know the good manners.And it will start called late childhood the boys start at 4 to 13 yo and girls starts at 3 to 12 yo. The boy starts ealry cause the brain of a boy is more matured then a 5 yo it will change all the size manner etc. At the age of 6 they will be an adventurus and they will reduce a little bit of hyper and reduce the bad manners inside them