Lucy 1

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Have you ever been trapped in your own body? I have. Have you ever felt no emotions, just the deep urge to kill? You will if you're not careful. That's what mother said every night, before giving us wet kisses and wishing us a good night. She said it so many times, I could chant it backwards.I never really understood what she meant by deep urge to kill. Not until know. My fingertips dipped in the indigo water. The side of the bath was so clean I could see my face in it, wonky, as if I was looking at one of those fairground mirrors. I jumped in. My entire body gets swallowed by the icy water. Normally I would have shrieked, and dipped my toes in first. Somehow I was know numb to the cold. I opened my eyes underwater,and then came back up for breath. The smell of buttercup lotion was overpowering and smelt nothing like the flower.

"Hurry up, Isa, I wanna pee!"I sigh, before sinking lower into the bath.

"I told you to go before I came in!" I answer.

"But I didn't need it then." Lucy replied. She was silent after that. It could only mean one thing.

"Lucy! Have you wet yourself?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Lucys balder must be worse then our cats, Myslees, and he's 15 years old so he has an excuse.

"Don't tell mommy." She whispers. I hop out of the bath and wrap a  towel around my body, before getting some loo roll.i left watery footprints behind me.Lucy was outside like I expected, determinedly rubbing at the wet patch with one of her mickey mouse T-shirts.

"Ever heard of paper towels?" I joked. Lucy looked like she was about to cry."Don't worry, It'll be clean in no time." I dried the patch, then sprayed some anti-germ liquid all over the floor. By the time I had finished, I went through an entire roll of toilet paper. At least the floor was clean. I eyed Lucy up, taking in her wet through trousers and wet shirt.

"Let's get changed."


Lucy made her doll climb up my knee.

"Look! Barbie is a mountain explorer, and she can't get up." Lucy chants to herself. She wraps a piece of wool around the doll, and then a bit around my knee, securing it with sellotape. She makes a big deal of climbing, making occasional grunting noises, and giving her doll a break if she seemed tired. I could almost smell the sweat on her plastic skin.

"Lucy! Isa!"

"Coming mum!" I throw the doll on the carpet, then run into the living room.

"There is this weird man outside, and he looks injured. I tried talking to him but he just growls, reaching out for me. Can you please see what he wants?" I shake my head, then walk towards the door. There was loud grunts and clicks coming from the other side.

"Stay there, Lucy." I peer through the keyhole to see an incredibly pale green man, with parts of his face clawed out and no lips.

"Hello?" The grunts get louder when he hears my voice. I begin to panic, wondering what I should do with the lunatic outside.

"Isa." I turn around at Lucys voice. "That's a zombie." I almost burst into peals of laughter. Zombies! I shake my head in disbelief.

"Lucy! There's no such thing!" Lucy shakes her head at me, as if to say you stupid! I begin to wonder if it was a possibility. The name definitively suited the man outside, with his damaged body, loud growls and green face. Mother also said he tried reaching out for her when she tried to help him. Just to make sure the man wasn't going to claw my face of when I opened the door, I opened the window instead. The stench of rotting bodies almost knocked me over. I breathed shallowy, taking small breaths through my mouth.

"Excuse me, sir, what is your need here?" I ask as politely as possible. As polite as you can be when something that can eat you is standing a foot away. As if it could read my thoughts, the man came nearer, and dived for my hand, clawing at it with his long nails. I snatched it away before closing and locking the window. I had a long, bright red scratch mark on my wrist. It was already beginning to itch.

"Mum! The man scratched me!" I yell, and instantly regret it. If my voice had that affect on the man, it could attract more of the 'zombies'. After a couple of seconds mother came with human care bandages (That she invented herself) and some kind of wound cleaning liquid. My mother was an amazing scientist who specialized In medical equipment.

"Oh dear. Come sit. You'll be fine for sure, my litte dumpling." She patted the chair next to her, and almost immediately began working on the scratch. Only know did I realize it was very deep. Mother dabbed at my arm with some cotton, then applied the liquid. I yelped in pain, and watched bubbles form in the wound, as if I had poured some fanta into it.

"Had she been bitten?" Lucy asks, approaching me cautiously. She looked almost as if she was scared of me.

"No, why?" I ask. Lucy lets out a sigh of relief. 5 year olds can be weird at times.

"You're fine then." I roll my eyes. Lucy cuddled up next to me as if nothing had happened. She tucked her legs in and began singing the nursery rhyme itsy bitsy spider with all the cute hand gestures.

"Lucy? What is going on in that little brain of yours?" I ask, tickling her under her chin. She took a deep breath, as if she was about to start a long speech.

"There are things called zombies outside that eat other people and if they bite you then you turn into one too and eat other people as well." She had a very serious face on, and was walking around the room. I would have laughed if not for the groans coming from next to me.

That was the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed. :)

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