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"Potter"- talking

'Arse' - thinking

§open§ - parselentogue

"Enough"- portrait talking/Beastspeak

'Wow' - portrait talking/Beastspeak

"Hello" -speaking different language

A/n: I don't own Harry Potter or it's characters. Any videos, pictures, or gifs used in this story I don't own. This is Potter twin and wbwl fanfic. This story won't follow the cannon. For any authors who see there ideas sorry I read many different stories can't remember them all. This story will have Potter, Dumbledore, and some Weasley bashing.

Third pov:
7 year old Harry Jamus Potter, older twin brother to the boy-who-lived, Joffrey Jameson Potter, reads quietly in his room in the Potter manor. He just passing the time until he was sure that no one was still up in the manor. He was doing this for a simple reason, he didn't get any dinner. His parents had forgotten him.... again. Not that it mattered much as Harry was used to it. His parents has forgotten him many times before and they will no doubt do it again. The only problem is if he was caught sneaking around at night he get into trouble, with his father, and that word is being used very loosely. If caught he be forced back to his room where he be locked in until morning which most time his parents forget to release him the next morning. Which leads to the house elves having to release him instead. So that's why Harry sits in his room reading while he waits until he sure no one is up. The reason he is reading was so he won't get bored while waiting.

Harry's life wasn't always like this the first 15 months or so. It was only after the 1981 Halloween attack that his life started changing and going down hill. That was the night that his little brother was wrongly declared the great "Boy-Who-Lived". Though Harry knew different, he may not look it, but Harry was amazingly smart. He had perfect recall and could remember everything in his short life.  This was how Harry new Joffrey wasn't the true boy-who-lived but in fact he was. He remember that night so very clearly as if it were yesterday.


A bald man with red eyes and snake like features walked into his and his brother's room and pointed a wand at his brother. Little Harry had a bad feeling as the stranger said something odd and a green light came out of the wand racing towards his his little brother. Harry reacted on instinctively by getting infront and raise his small chubby little baby hand. He reach out for the green light which stops and head to him circling around Harry once before launch back at the stranger. The snake man widened his red eyes. Harry watches the mans eyes widened and him scream before the stranger blew up. The blast was very powerful destroying most of the roof. When the blast cleared all that was left of the stranger was what look to be a ghost like creature except it was made of some type of black mist, which left through the hole in roof not long after. Harry was really tired after playing with the green light the snake man casted from his wand and barely noticed the odd cut on his brother left cheek of a sideways 'S' which shaped like a grim parody of a snake, that he got from a piece of the debree that hit him. He didn't even notice the stinging pain on his forehead as he slipped off to sleep wondering where his parents were and where was the rat man that was supposed to be watching them.

End Flashback

That was the night everything changed  in Harry's life. He remembered how the next morning when waking up his parents  were fussing over his brother  Joffrey and didn't notice him until  he started to make noise. Over time it gradually  got worse until his parents  completely forgot about him and gave all their attention  to his younger brother. Harry  knew they didn't  stop loving  him they sort of forgot him in favor of brother, Joffrey.

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