001 . . . spilling it all out

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      2 years ago

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     2 years ago . . .

EVANE NEVER REALLY KNEW WHAT IT FELT LIKE TO HAVE A STABLE SUPPORT SYSTEM. Her family always told her; 'Don't do this! Do that!' Which was saying; 'Don't do what makes you happy! Do what I tell you to do!' Blah, Blah, Blah!

     What made it worse was, that she never listened.

     So when Dr. Franklin Storm brought her in, the feeling of having that father figure was weird for her. It took her a while to get used to it. She pretty much ran away from her original family after that. They tried to contact her in every way possible. As much as it pained her to disappear, she knew it was better for both her mental health and her future.

     The Storms tremendously helped Evane through it all. Especially Susan. Johnny on the other hand didn't care for Evane's stay after he'd tried to hit on her and rejected him. Men were so predictable . . . she was A-okay with never settling down and having a husband. Or any romance in her life whatsoever.

     She was undeniably focused on her work and coincidentally that was all she had time for.

     She uses her work as a distraction from the real world. Others seemed to catch onto that as well. She would sit at her desk just working and working and even more working. Her keeping all of her feelings bottled up worried both Susan and Franklin.

     While Evane's at her desk; writing notes like usual, Susan goes in to check on her. As the blonde sits beside Evane she doesn't turn her head to greet Susan. Her head is still focused on the pen and paper in front of her. Susan waits a moment to see if she would notice her presence. After about half a minute she did.

     "Yes?" Evane finally spoke raising her eyebrow but still not turning to face Susan. Susan copied her expression and sighed. "How come you're always so . . ."

     "So what?" Evane turned to look at her.

     "I don't know. You're just really to yourself . . . why?"

     "I dunno." Evane chewed on her lip. It had been 2 years that Evane was living with Dr. Storm. Although that is a pretty long time, she was always cautious of who she trusted with information about her. "You do know," Susan said. "You can trust me."

     Evane put the pen down beside the notepad and turned her whole body to face Susan. "I've only been here for two years, Susan." Evane says, "Until I learn the usual around here, I'd rather keep to myself. Respectfully." Evane turned her body back to her desk and continued writing.

     "My dad told me why you're here." Susan blurted out.

     Evane froze for a moment. She sets her pen down on the desk once more. "Well, then that answers all your questions." She muttered.

    Susan leaned forward, "We're gonna be together for a while, Evane. You can always talk to me about your family if you need to air it out. Think of me as a sister." She smiled at the girl in front of her.

    Evane felt her lip trembling as her eyes started to sting. She looked at Susan and smiled at her. "Thanks, Susan." She said, her voice crackling slightly.

    "Call me Sue." She said before pulling Evane into a hug.




hiiiiii... this wasn't much of a chapter but more of a preview i guess. but pls vote tytyty!

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