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Four Month's Later 

"Lacie," Trent's mom coos rubbing my arm as she passes. "Always a pleasure to see you." She sends me a smile over her shoulder as she glides her way to the opposite side of the kitchen and I send her a big smile back.

I met Trent's parents a few months ago during spring break. Of course I was beyond nervous. I couldn't stop fidgeting the whole car ride there, but the second his mom smiled at me I knew everything was going to be fine.

I wouldn't say she's a very open person, but she's very kind and once I started to hang around the house more she became more genuine. She stands pretty tall and is curvy in places normal middle aged women are. Her dirty blonde hair fans out in layers behind her shoulders and she keeps two small diamond studs in her ears, in which she sometimes tugs on in habit. But I would definitely say that besides her height and hair color, the one thing Trent inherited from her is her bright green eyes.

His dad I met only three times because, like Trent mentioned, his job makes him constantly busy, but he seemed like a nice guy. He was just as tall, if not a few inches taller, than his wife with graying brown hair and brown eyes. So it seems that Trent got most of his looks from his mom, but the one thing he notably inherited from his dad was his grin. I'd be lying if I said it didn't freak me out when I saw them both grin at the same time.

Overall though when his parents stood next to each other I could tell that Trent definitely got lucky when it came to the gene pool.

Now when Trent met my parents for the first time I wouldn't say there was much of a difference except for the slight tension they had considering the events of our fall out. I couldn't really blame them though, them being parents and all. However at one point during the night Trent slipped up and called me vanilla in front of them, and when my mom called him out on it — he blushed.

Yes! Shocking I know. Trent Montgomery blushed — full blown, wide eyes, red cheeks blush and that was what officially won my parents over.

Also the second he walked through the door and introduced himself, he rendered Layla speechless which is rare. I wouldn't say she was ogling him the whole night, but that night when we were sitting in my room she told me that she was going to completely disregard high school guys and just wait for college in which I laughed in response.

I am very glad that she and my parents approved though.

I reach over the table and pick up a plastic plate as Trent reaches over from behind me following suit. However he gently hits the top of my head with it before proceeding to grab food. The chatter of our friends follows them as they head out the sliding glass door that leads to Trent's patio. The sun shines in through the glass proving just how nice the summer day is outside. I glance back down at the abundance of food in front of me seeing it's a mix between barbeque and just a plain old buffet.

Across the room the oven beeps and Trent's mom shoos Trent's dog away before opening it.

"Really? More food?" Trent asks incredulously staring at his mother as she pulls out a fresh batch of what appears to be chocolate chip cookies. Trent's mom shrugs placing the hot tray down and removing her oven mitts. 

"We rarely have people over. I just wanted to make sure we had enough."

Trent snorts casting his gaze down to the table of food in front of him. "Oh, there's definitely enough." He glances back up in time for his mother to give him a stern look before she turns to me.

"Does he complain this much around you, or does he only do it around me?"

I give her an amused smile. "Oh, he complains all the time." 

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