My turn (Chapter 4)

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Kai:The more I move the more blood I lose I feeling so tired need to move on.

Kai arrives at the safehouse.

Mimic:Wonder how boss is doing.

Toya:You worry to much

Krono:Iam not sure he said he would be leaving for Vander.

Suddenly the door opens.

Everyone pulls out thier guns.

Kai is seen coming through the door and collapses.


Kai:Keep it down will you!

Krono:What happened to you.

Mimic:Show me who it was!

Toya:Let's help him out.

Kai:We need to go now Iam losing blood.

Krono:You need to stay.

Kai:No! We will leave now Vander was kidnapped we need to save him I know where he is.


Kai:Follow me I slipped a tractor on him kill anyone that gets in my way.

Toya:Looks at kai and smiles we can do this.

Krono:Well let's go then.

Kai and the gang make there way to save Vander.
Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi kai finding mimic.

Kai:The signal is shows his inside get your guns out we sneak in if we are found kill them understood.


Mimic:Can't wait.

Toya:Well let's go!

The sneak in through the roof.

Kai:This place is so filthy remind me to burn places like this mimic.

Mimic:Got it boss.

They come to a clearing.

Kai:Where is Vander suddenly kai sees him in a chair chained.

Kai sees Silco talking to him.

With Vander.

Silco:You know when you tried to kill me all I thought of was revenge.

Vander:You were going to destroy everything we built.

Silco:But that anger has left me but I will make you pay for what you have done.

Vander:Just kill me leave the others alone.

Silco:Iam afraid I can't do that.

Vander:Don't you dear land your hands on them!

Silco starts to leave.

Kai:Time to go free Vander Toya with me.

Everyone:Got it.

Kai and the rest run towards Vander silently.

Kai:Iam here for you please wake up.

Vander:Kai why go you need to go it's not safe here!

Kai:I know I could not leave you.

Vander:You are bleeding I don't know how you survived that hit you need to leave.

Suddenly a window opens.

Kai and the others aim there find there.

Suddenly vi claggor Milo are seen.

Guns are pointed to there heads.

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