Chapter 5: Coaches prefer drama

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Sweaty, exhausted students were draped around the gym. The boxers, however, were very vocal about the harsher training regiment.

"Why can't you let be like the swordkids?" Catz said. "Look at them! Silent lambs. They know they need this."

You briefly had eye contact with James. His usual wild mop of hair now plastered to his head, eyes showing his irritation, which quickly turned to embarrassment.

"You shouldn't be comparing your children, you know."

"Calm down, Cass. I'm just teasing..."

"Gaslighting? That, sir, is another terrible parenting tactic." The psych kid pointed out again. "Next you'll be calling me Cassady, and ban me from leaving the gym!"

"Besides, I think they've been conditioned not to complain. Right?"

The startled first year starred at Anthony. His sword shook in it's holster from his grip. He gulped, and reluctantly confirmed.

"T-they said only the weakest c-complain."

This only made Catz grin a frighteningly intimidating grin.

"That makes sense. Our top three are silent."

"Two of them are passed out on the couch, and Y/N doesnt say shit."

"That is true." You nodded, a pensive air about you. "I don't particularly like swearing."

This elicited a mixture of groans of pain and snickers.

Catz looked like he was gearing up to some mean joke. The door was thrown open to a much needed interruption.

The swordsmen coaches two waved their clip boards in a chiding fashion to Catz. They stopped when they realized they were in sync.


"What are you talking about?" The gentle one said. "We're here before deadline."

Catz swatted at the absurd question.  They moved to his office to speak.

You mulled over talking to James. After the weekend, he never spoke to you. Well, he never spoke to you during training. This was different somehow.

"Aren't you tired?"

"No... Well, yes, but not only because of training." 

Cass rolled her eyes at your response.

"How else," You continued. "Are we suppose to win?"

"Do we even have to win?"

"Yeah. I want my honors to be funded."

Many of the students murmured in agreement. 

"That's funny coming from a legacy kid."  Anthony said.

"That's funny coming from a Prinston Regect." You said. 

"We have the pairings!"

Catz bounced down the steps. He tacked a sheet of paper to the announcement board. You, James and his friend were the only ones that seemed interested, since you were the only few to move to it.

Your eyes scanned the page for your name. You frowned.

"Who's Mugen?"


Fuu's shrill laughter echoed through the quad. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her hands clutched at her sides, as though it would help keep some of her breath.

You had to carry her like an eloping bride to escape the two professors that were about to confront the noise. Her arms wrapped around your shoulders.

"Could you calm down please?"

She gasped helplessly.

You strolled through the campus, your friend still in your arms. The poor thing tried to catch her breath. You felt better carrying her than staying stagnant. Fuu could have changed her name to Feather. Because she was so fucking light.

"I'm not heavy, right?"

You both always had a similar train of thought. You started to jog up a set of steps to impress her more.

"If I tossed you above my head, you could fly into space."

You reached the top of the steps, and shook to throw her as you said. Her nails dug into you. She let out a high pitch squeak. You stopped immediately.

"I was hoping you would get Jin." Fuu said.

Her head now rested on your shoulder, exhaustion set in. You carried her through the campus gardens.

"Jin is a team player. But Mugen. I felt that of my two idiots, you'd be better suited with Jin. Mugen though. Mugen's an idiot. You'll be babysitting him. And his nightly visitors."

"Why would he lie about his name?"

"He probably panicked. You have that affect on people, sweetheart."

You scoffed.

"No, it's true."  She defended. "It's like... you're so calm, and respectful. The way you carry yourself-"

"I'll bite you"  You warned.

She lifted her head to look you in the eye. There was something strong, something stubborn about her expression. It made you stand still.

"Do it." She dared.

"What are you guys doing?" 

Anthony sat a few steps away from you. Happily munching a sandwich.

A few steps from you.

You went over to him and tipped his bag over with your foot.

"What the fuck, L/N?"

"That's for earlier. Why'd you bring up that nonsense?"

He shoveled his books back into the bag with one hand. He spoke with a full mouth.

"What about you? I didn't even want to go to Prinston."

"Weren't you drunk for two whole weeks because of it?"  Fuu asked.

"It was from the shame."  You said. "The shame of boasting that he was going to leave this place for greener pastures, only to rejected for his grades."

"Fuck off with your girlfriend. Why are you even carrying her?" He grumbled.

"You're just jealous that you dont have one."

You kicked his bag further away from him, and left. His food protected you from his further profanities.

"When will he learn?" Fuu sighed.

"Competitions from childhood never end well for anyone. Especially when the opponent is me."

You wriggled your eyebrows at Fuu, only to get a slap to the back of your head.

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