First Date

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Aay x Kurin. Some swearing Kurins pronouns are they them.

Aay's POV-

"So how do I look? Be honest I can take it." I asked Magnus and Riot. I had dragged them to my house to help me get ready for my first date with Kurin. We are going to a concert were Kurins favorite band is going to be playing. I don't know how to dress, which is w they are here, and there looks say it all.

Riot looked like she was gonna laugh. She had her hand over her mouth. Magnus looked like her was debating between being just flat out honest or being rudly sarcastic. Which didn't help one bit. After a few more quiet moments Magnus had made a decision.

"You look perfect. Your definitely not gone embarrasses Kurin and make them regret ever dating you. So ya, you look really nice." He said while successfully holding back a laugh. Obviously he went with rudly sacrifice.

"Bitch." I say with a flat tone. Just then Riot decides to be rudly honest.

"You look like a gangster that got neon green paint dumped all over them. It makes you look even more idiotic then normal." She said and almost dieing of laghter. Magnus was snickering.

"I hate you two. Like what the fuck? Really?" I say. I couldn't believe them right now.

"You had to have seen this coming." Riot said as she recovered from almost dieing of laghter. I kinda wish she did die.

"And in our defense you told us to be honest." Magnus said.

"I didn't think you were gonna be this honest." I say as I take the sun glasses and hat off.

I was starting to feel really stressed, and Riot and Magnus weren't helping. I sit on my bed and pit my hands in my face. I hear Riot and Magnus had stopped snickering to eachother. I guess they noticed my sudden depression.

I then hear one of them stand up and pull my hands away from my face and pull me up. I open my eyes and see Magnus examining me. He then turns to Riot and they nod to eachother. Riot then goes to my closet and grabs a dark green shirt and a black jacket.

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