Chapter 2 - The Bounty

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Caine's foot steps echoed through the dark alley. The breeze blew gently in the dark and on it carried the scent of the city. Enhaling deeply, he took in the scent. Earth had its own particular smell, as did the countless other habitable planets throughout the 'verse. Another sniff and Caine knew he was getting closer to the scent. She has been here. Looking up he read the sign on the building; Women's Health Fertility Center.

Inside he searched through the files until he found the one he was looking for. Inhaling deeply he confirmed the scent. This was the person he was hired to bring back.

With one bounty he could be free and reinstated to the Legion. All he had to do was get this woman back to Titus. What he wanted with her was his concern.

Catherine Dunlevy. I tracked her across the planet, all the way to Chicago. It may have been just another job, but she did smell so much better than anything he'd smelled lately. I couldn't seem to get her out of my head. What did she look like? Caine huffs and shakes his head. The sooner I get this job done the better. Then I could get my old life back.

Just as he was about to leave The hair on the back of his neck stood up. Alert, he listened to the sounds in the alley. Something wasn't right. Three people in the alley and a faint hum of an engine. They don't belong here. They don't smell like they come from Earth. Quietly, Caine pulls out his gun and prepared for a battle.

Activating his grav-boots Caine takes a running start launching himself through the door of the clinc out into the alley, Caine comes out shooting. His shield lights up as it deflects laser blasts. His grav-boots light up as Caine flies across the alley and up the side of a building returning fire on his three assailants. Turning to face off with them again, he fires at the men on the ground and manouvers himself out of line of sight of the hover bike and it's rider. Three against one; Caine decides to make a break for it. Another second and he disappears down the alley and around the corner, leaving the other bounty hunters alone in the dark alley.

Catherine would be back to the clinic soon, he just had to bide his time.

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