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Kendall Rossi isn't your average thirteen year old girl. At the young age of five her brothers dropped her off at a old orphanage which they claimed would be way more safer and practical then living with them and their Italian mafia problems. That wasn't the case. For years Kendall was switching from foster family to foster family. Some were sweet, some just needed the cash and some had awful intentions. Like Gaston Tremblay, her current foster father.

A couple years after the Rossi brothers left Kendall, they realized how much they craved and needed the little girls bubbly and joyful personality in there life. They spent three full years trying to find Kendall but there was no trace of her. They eventually gave up and adopted a little girl around the age of eleven who would have been two years older then Kendall at the time. May, the little girl did help tie the broken family together but it still wasn't the same, but they learned to cope and almost fully erased Kendall out of there lives. Until Alessandro Rossi the eldest of the brothers received a shocking phone call that would soon change their lives.

Alessandro's POV:
"Sir theirs a social worker on call right now they would like too speak to you." Exclaimed one of my men.

Social worker? Why the fuck would a social worker be trying to reach me? It shouldn't be about May we adopted her four years ago.

"Hang up, I don't have time to speak to a social worker." I ordered.

"Sir, please take the call it's pretty important something about your uh sister Kendall."

Kendall. That was a name I haven't heard in years.

"Well what are you doing just standing there give me the god damn phone you fool!"

"S-Sorry sir here."

"Hello is this Alessandro?" The unknown lady asked with a raspy voice.

"Hi, Alessandro I'm Silvia, Kendall's social worker. Unfortunately Gaston Tremblay, Kendall's foster father has passed in a tragic work accident, and she is of needing of a new legal guardian would you be w-"

"Yes! Of course, I will be her legal guardian." I practically shouted cutting the lady off.

"Wonderful we will have her sent to Italy right away, I will send you the forms and paperwork then once they're signed she will be there! Are you able to pay the costs of the plane ticket? She's currently in France."

"Yes of course I can."

"Alright, have a wonderful afternoon Mr.Rossi."

With that she hung up the phone. To say I was excited to get my little bambina back would be an understatement I almost fell out of my seat when I heard I could be her legal guardian. The only thing I'm worried about is May and the boys.. I hope they won't mind.
Kendall's POV:
I was currently shaking in the police office mainly because I just found out that Alessandro will be taking custody of me and I'm moving back "home" to Italy. I hate my brothers for abandoning me and leaving me too rot in Gaston's hands while they were living the lux. But then they had the audacity to replace me with some random girl. I've heard the rumors and I've been stalking them on the school computers. I still don't understand on why they would now want to take me in. Like you shouldn't have abandoned me in the first-place you bastards. Although I was super young when I was placed at the orphanage, I still remember faint memories of them. They'd said to the little girl they'd be back in a few minutes, but minutes quickly turned into days and days turned into years. 

And to make this situation worse my ribs were practically bagging me to get them treated from this morning's beatings, but I can't. And I won't. I'm ashamed and embarrassed of my scars. The words engraved into my fragile, arid, skin is a constant reminder of how useless and such a waste of space I am.

One more hit and I'm afraid I might snap in half.

"Kendall! Kendall sweetheart?" Said my social worker Silvia.

"Oh, hm sorry!" I said snapping out of my trances.

"Are you okay? You've been zoned out for a few minutes now..."

"Oh yes I'm alright I was just thinking is all." I said giving a small smile to show I'm alright.

"I know this must be extremely confusing and hard for you I'm sure Gaston was a lovely father to you but it's okay your brothers are going to help you get through these tough times."

I almost choked. Haha nice joke "lovely father" only if she knew.

"Kendall? You're zoning out again.."

"Oops my bad, yeah he was a lovely father!" I said trying to sound a bit cheerful.

"Anyways we should get you going your flight is about to take of in a hour but we already got the officers to pack some of your belongings."

"Wait am I flying alone..?"

"Yes unfortunately I'm not aloud to accompany you on the flight but we have notified the airline and your legal guardian has paid for a Private First Class, is that okay Kendall?" She asked with a bit of concern.

"Yeah that's alright I just haven't been on a plane since I was six and I have a big fear of heights but I will be okay."

"All right honey let's get going, you have nothing to worry about the flight attendants are going to be very nice too you." She said handing me a key holder thingy that had a small sign that said minor she told me it was required to wear it so they would know.
Thank you guys for reading this first chapter!!

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