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Clearly none of my brothers can tell time, and for someone who's expected to be early shouldn't be ten minutes late.

I'm sitting in one of many of Alessandros cars, it's black with tinted windows, it very spacious and roomy and it has that new car smell. I still can't wrap my head around the fact my brothers have so many cars. Who has money to blow like that?

I tap my foot, humming to a random song I've forgotten the name of. I roll my eyes as Alessandro comes out in a clean suit with black dress shoes.

"Sorry I was late, sweetheart." He says sliding into the seat before turning on the car.

I quickly fasten my seatbelt as Alessandro pulls out of our garage onto the road. Minutes tick by and I catch myself glancing out the window, I see the beautiful park I was sitting in the other day and smile. It's much more lifeful then being cooped up in a mansion with stuck up assholes.

"Oh, I also thought we could do some shopping for your wardrobe since you don't have many clothes." Alessandro says, snapping me out of my trances.

My face lights up, this could be the perfect excuse to buy a dress for the party! "Okay, thanks Alessandro." I grin.

"Of course, baby." He returns the smile before focusing on the road.

We eventually arrive to the mall. It's different then the mall I was shopping at alone the other day, it's fairly large with more of a modern style to it.

Alessandro gets out of the car lightly shutting the door, before heading over to my side to open my door.

I mumble a quick thanks before hopping out of the car, the refreshing breeze hitting me in the face.

Alessandro holds out his hand reaching for mine. Does he really want to hold my hand? Pathetic. I was still trying to forgive him. He's so clueless it's almost funny. His smile quickly turns into a frown when he realizes I'm ignoring his gesture. I almost feel a tad bit bad, but he quickly covers it up.

We head inside the mall, it's busy, fairly busy for a Thursday morning. Lots of chatter and laughter surrounds me.

Alessandro is already four feet ahead of me, does he think it's a race? I groan before running to check up with him.


Alessandro's POV:

I feel a soft tug on my shirt and look down to see Kendall. I smile at her, she has a little scowl on her face, I was probably walking to fast for her; she's the cutest among all of my siblings and I don't even think she knows it.

"This isn't a race, Alessandro!" She grumbles.

"Maybe your just too slow, baby." I laugh.

She looks annoyed, I reach out for her hand, and she hesitantly took it.

"Would you like to get breakfast before we go shopping?" I ask, she hasn't been eating a lot.

She shakes her head continuing to look at something. I grow confused, she's a kid, she needs to eat a lot to be healthy.

I Ignore her response to my question and lead her into the food court. "Where would you like to eat baby?" I say softly.

She sighs before speaking, "I'm not hungry, Alessandro."

When was the last time she even ate? I ignore her and lead her in the line of McDonalds, there wasn't many food court places open anyways considering it was breakfast hour.

"What would you like to eat, baby?" I ask her, she ignores me looking off to the side once more.

I sigh, before telling the lady we'd like two breakfast sandwiches. I grab our food that's placed onto a tray, leading Kendall to one of the tables. She willingly takes a seat across from me crossing her arms. I place the sandwich and water Infront of her; she looks very displeased.

She takes a sip of the water I've given her, and glares at me. Who knew 13-year-olds could be so scary?

"Just take a couple bites baby, then we can go shopping." I reason with her.

She mumbles something under her breath but reluctantly takes a bite. I smile at her and eat mine; she takes three more small bites before pushing it away.

"Good girl, now let's go get you some clothes and a phone." I say tossing out our garbage.


Kendall's POV:

I stand up, following Alessandro into a store with an apple logo, there's tablets, computers and cell phones displayed.

"What about this one, Baby?" He asks pointing to one of the phones, my eyes widen as I read the price, $1250? Only a delusional person would pay that, I could buy a car with that.

"Why are they so expensive?" I whisper, growing uncomfortable, I shouldn't have asked him for this.

"Don't worry about it, what color do you want? Purple, blue, red?"

"Purple." He smiles at me before going up to the cash register. A couple minutes later he comes back with a white bag with a silver apple logo displayed onto it before handing it to me.

"Thank you, I love it." I say looking inside the bag. I notice there's a purple case as well.

"No problem, sweetheart."

The rest of the day wall filled with shopping, I felt bad for spending his hard-earned money, but after all he was rich. I bought the perfect dress, it was a short black dress that hugged my flat body perfectly, it had sleeves that covered my arms and hid the scaring on my back. Alessandro didn't like the dress, saying he'd never let me wear it in public, but he let me buy it anyways. I even convinced him to buy me a bit of makeup.

We arrived home at around 2:30, Alessandro helped me set up my phone before I quickly ran off to my room. I looked around at all the bags placed onto my floor, they could wait. I shut the door before grabbing the sticky note I had placed underneath the plant, I grinned before messaging Nico.

"Hey, It's Kendall, the girl from the park." 


"Hey Kendall! are you still coming to the party on Friday?

I thought for a moment, how was I supposed to get a ride? I could walk, but that might take a long time.

"What time does it start at?"

"11:30, I'd love to see you there, but you have to leave at around 2 because my parents will be coming home."

There's no way I could possibly, get a ride none of my brothers would take me and they'd kill me if I even asked. Then it hit me.

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