Two people going through betrayal and heartbreak meet at a party and share a little kiss or whatever find out they go to the same school and you have to carry on reading to find out if they become the best of friends or further.
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It was just another hectic Friday school day everyone was still going on about that fight that happened between some girl and her twin sister and from what I heard she did that cause her twin sister slept with her man and while some people might say she went too far with fighting her I think it was good that she fought her she was mad and her sister wasn't even sorry for what she did like how you gonna sleep with your sister's boyfriend that's just low on another level but that I ain't my business whatsoever. The girl that got cheated on I think her name was Za'Nyah I ain't got a clue on what she looks like but she ain't been in school for a few weeks I guess it took a toll on her any way that ain't my problem what I should be focusing on is where is my girlfriend. In case y'all ain't know my girlfriend is Sirena Brooks and her mom is the principal of this school and is also a teacher she's got a twin brother called Adrien I think he's the one the girl cheated with but yea that doesn't matter. Me and Sierra's relationship is not one that you would have considered healthy she was toxic manipulative controlling and abusive so why didn't I leave I couldn't find it in me to leave so I dealt with all the pain she gave me cause if that's what makes her happy then I'm happy.
'Yo rain where you been I've been looking everywhere for you my friend Imani called bringing me out of my thoughts when I turned to look at her I could see Ebony, Micheal, Deja, Kenya, and Desiree though Desiree doesn't hang out with us that much.
'Oh, I was looking for Sirena I need to talk to her about something.' I said
'I don't understand why you're still with her she doesn't make you happy and we all can see that you are not the same person you were before you started dating her.' Desiree said and the whole gang agreed with her
'Ok guys let's not talk about my relationship and go get food to eat.' I said I know they mean well but I just can't bring it to myself to break up with her I don't think they understand that even though they wanted to carry on the conversation they didn't and just followed me to the cafeteria as we were walking to the cafeteria I thought about what Desiree said am I not the same person I was before I started dating Sirena does she bring out the worse in me but I don't see how I guess I'm blinded by love. We entered the cafeteria and sat at our usual table and just started talking we don't eat the school lunches cause it's disgusting but today it was different I guess we were really hungry that we ate the food, midway through eating and talking my girlfriend walks in the with Sierra the girl I don't like not one bit but she told not to worry about her cause they're just friends but what I'm seeing is another story they are holding hands and all up on each other and when I was about to turn around I saw them kiss and that was the last straw for me I got up and walked over to them.
'This what we doing now? I thought you said y'all were friends this doesn't seem like friends to me.' I said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.
'B-babe.' Sirena opened her dirty mouth to say
'Babe? I'm not you babe after I have told you countless times I don't like her I get a bad vibe from her you told me y'all were friends but y'all not your kissing her while you have a girlfriend and you doing in it public but it's ok cause y'all can have each other I'm done with your bullshit. Y'all were made for each other.' I said 'And you.' I said turning to Sierra' enjoy my leftovers she may seem like this sweet girl right now but trust she's finna make your life a living hell later on.' I said before walking out of the cafeteria cause I didn't want to hear her irritating voice again, I walked to my locker and got all the shit I needed before walking to my car right now I just needed to get away from everyone and think about everything. As I was driving I got an incoming call from Imani even though I didn't feel like talking to anyone I answered her call.