Chapter 1 (Honest)

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I sighed and breathed heavily, listening to people screaming around me and water splashing loudly as I floated in the pool with my eyes closed and mouth slightly opened. My head danced with thoughts of my future and presence.

I let my feet sink beneath me and I looked up and wiped my eyes from the water. Friends and family sat around talking, playing games, and listening to old folks' music. This was our culture. This was our life, we never lost happiness no matter how much destruction pushed around us we kept a smile.

My mother sat tapping her foot slowly in rhythm while she played cards, I sat up on the side of the pool and smiled. My hair was slightly stuck to my head and my eyelids dropped with water. I saw a shadow sit beside me and I turned to look at one of my new friends Dawn. Her name was so pleasant it gave me memory and fulfillment. It made her beauty stand out even more. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth, beginning to speak.

"Hey, Dawny..." I softly spoke, she looked at me and her warm smile warmed my cold body.

"Hey Honest, haven't seen you in a bit, you too black to come to see me anymore huh?" She joked. I chuckled softly and nudged her.

"Now come on, I'm not that black, just a little ghetto that's all." She laughed softly and fixed the strap of her one-piece bathing suit. "But you haven't been answering calls since that night so you can't really judge me huh?"

I noticed bringing up the missed calls and that night disturbed her. But I couldn't really stop myself from saying it. She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed.

"I just, I couldn't talk to you after that. I was stupid for saying it and you were stupid for responding." I sighed remembering what happened.

I walked in the house and smelled a strong scent of alcohol, ugh my mom is gonna kill me for being her if she finds out. I see Dawn walking around with a guy following her, you could tell she didn't want him to follow. She pushed him and yelled. I followed him and tapped his back. He turned around and growled. "What the hell do you want?!" I smiled softly showing my Colgate smile.

"I would like for you to leave her alone. Please if you don't mind." I said kindly. The boy raised his fist ready to punch me, I dodged it thankfully. Momma told me a man will fight with the good, not with the bad, so when I saw him pull out his gun, I knew I had to fight with my hands. I got ready when I heard him pull the trigger I punched, and didn't stop until he was on the floor coughing up blood. I sighed and shook my hands vigorously, the pain in my hands increasing by the second. I looked to see Dawn crying and staring up at me. I saw love in her eyes and gratefulness.

"Thank you Honest, god he was scaring me. I love you so much, thank you." I flinched from her words. I love you. The words are so bold and outspoken. But what I responded back made her regret it.

"Ti amo mi amor."

I sighed and looked at her.

"Why did that bother you?" She looked at me quickly and rolled her eyes.

"Because I don't love you and when you said it back it annoyed me." My heart stung with sadness. I saw Lyric from across the pool. I grunted softly and dove into the pool.

I swam to Lyric. She looked down and gave me a small smile, like always. I came out of the water and sat next to her. She laid her head on my shoulder and yawned.

"Tired?" I asked, and she nodded softly. She moved some hair out of her face and yawned again. "Go lay down and get some rest."

"N-no thank you." She said quietly that I barely even caught it. I looked at her nails that she had got done about 3 days ago, blue and red nails, acrylic nails. They were sort of long about 2 inches off the nail, that's how she liked them. "A-are you and Dawn okay?" She asked quietly, I sighed with anger building with soft pain.

"I'm not sure." She grabbed my hand softly, squeezing it with sympathy.

"You will be, I'm sure of it." I smiled at her words, now let me give you a little biography on all my friends just so you know exactly who we're dealing with.

Let's start with Dawn, that's the bossy one. She's a little crazy when she's mad but she'll have your back through whatever. She hates old news and always looks for new things.

Then there's Junior. He's the friendly one, friends with all the girls and boys has a girlfriend, she's a friendly one-two. He loves making jokes and talking about people sometimes. He's caring in some ways, but talk about some black in him you never wanna reach that side. Trust me! 

Then there's Andrew. He's white. But swears to everyone he got a black momma. Which he does. But no one knows that but me. He's ghetto to the fullest and always wanna start some drama. With everyone!

Then there's Lila. She's Mexican and she loves to party no matter where it's at. She's a little too outgoing for our taste but that's our friend and we love her. Sometimes.

Then it's Lyric. She's the quiet one who hates violence to the fullest but mess with any of her friends and well violence won't matter to her anymore. She loves drawing and singing and she's dropping dead gorgeous with her grey eyes and plump lips and a great smile and- let me shut up.

And last but not least there's me. Honest Andre Inwood. The fun but serious man, I take school and family and friends seriously. I play games and hang out. And yes all of us are single except for Andrew and Junior so don't start pairing people okay?

Lyrics sighed softly. " She's so angry sometimes. I wonder why. But that's not my business. Anyways, are you going to that winter formal?" She asked me with concern. I nodded and thought for a while.

"You going with anyone?" She shook her head and bit her lip. I stared, she really was pretty gorgeous. She giggled softly and looked away. "What's so funny?" I asked, chuckling a bit.

"Nothing you just said I looked pretty gorgeous. And it made me happy." I freaked a little.

I whispered quietly "I said that out loud?" She nodded and scrunched up her nose. Giggling again. I smirked to myself and grabbed her hand. She stopped giggling and a blush crept over her melanin skin. She looked at our fingers intertwined and she batted her lashes at me shyly. I spoke quietly to where she only heard it. "Will you go to the winter formal with me? And be my girlfriend?" She blushed and hid her face in my chest and nodded frantically.

"Y-yes!" Her voice went higher and she giggled. So pure and beautiful.

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